The Unofficial Royal Carnage Oral Sex Thread

chicks dig it. guys dig it. even presidents!
A lot of chicks are good at not giving blowjobs in return for multiple orgasm flap lickings. Cunts.
now Nad, you've got to simply cleanse yourself of this woman-hatred ;)

speaking of whores, I see the Court is declining to review the decision that turned down Anna Nicwhore Smith's bid for her 917 year old husband's money. good. I rarely use the word whore because it's a pretty serious insult but this woman should have a scarlet "W" branded on her forehead.
lizard said:
now Nad, you've got to simply cleanse yourself of this woman-hatred ;)
It's all a ruse now, because it's funny. :loco:

I did really hate women for about a year though, at age 21. Then I met a girl that wasn't like the others in any sort of way, and ended up just like all the other slutz 4 years later. :tickled:

I love receiving, but I'd rather hit that shit, or just use the bj as a warmup. I also looooove to give, especially if the girl starts squealing like a dolphin wooo!!!
I will one day write my biography about getting blowjobs ( from chicks, fuckers). Ever had a girl give you a blow job on the back of a charter bus from a school trip while her friend watches. Good times. It was only on a charter bus because our school bus broke down and we caught a ride with a school that had money. We were coming from a conference where Gorbechov ( Russian dude, birth mark) spoke. Great fucking day. I mooned so many people and threw maple syrup from McD's at truck drviers the rest of the trip.

Blowing your load on your ex girlfriends face and glasses seconds before her mom walks in is fun too. ...That one was close.

Or Getting a blowjob while making out with another chick while another girl and her boyfreind watch and fuck is always entertaining.