The Video Game Thread

There hasn't been a Silent Hill game since 2010, plus this one won't be out till late 2016 at the earliest anyways. Interesting enough, it's being made by Hideo with the help of Guillermo Del Toro and the main character is being voiced and motion captured by Normad Reedus.

I'm not totally all the interested in Far Cry 4. I didn't like Far Cry 3 after I finished it, and this one looks pretty similar to that.
Silent Hill I view in the same way as I do MGS. There's only so much you can do with it without completely reinventing the formula, by which point it's not really a MGS/Silent Hill game anymore.
Ok, decided to have third go with Last of Us as I want to get all weapon upgrades, also this time around I'm trying to go as much stealth as possible. I'm pretty hooked to this game, I kind of wish that they would make equally good sequel/spin off.
I hope they make more games in the Last of Us universe... just none with Joel or Ellie. I honestly never want to see them again. Their story is just too perfect.

I replayed Dante's Inferno over the last few days and got the last few trophies from it. That game's setting (Hell :lol: ) is really interesting in all the horrible things you see and the truly heinous ways that people are suffering for their sins. Sadly, it's really nothing more than a generic action movie type game. Story is flat, dialogue is bland and Dante screams "BEATRICE!!" every five seconds. Sort of mediocre, but still fun for the first playthrough.

PS4 in three days. :D
I'm sure they are. The Divine Comedy is even available on the disc of the game! Haha. I thought that was kind of cool.
They've confirmed that Joel and Ellie's story is over, sorry to destroy your dreams. Another game in that universe would be cool though.

Got like, $5 and Destiny drops on tuesday... :(
I'm sticking to my classics. I'm currently writing a Dingram Observes video about DreamWeb, I think I'll have to persuade Verm to let me play it on Game Surgery to get footage... as atmospheric and immersive as the game is, I don't think I could stand playing through it twice in a short space of time and I'd rather strike while the proverbial iron is hot.
Bit the bullet: I've restarted Final Fantasy VII in hopes of finally getting a perfect game. This time I'll be sure not to miss the fucking Earth Mallet on Gaea's Cliff

Having played like 8 hours of VII... good luck getting a perfect game

Also finally started playing Telltale's Walking Dead fully. I played the first episode when it came out and I bought it almost a year ago to the day on a Steam sale for like $1, and never got around to it. On episode 3, damn this shit is crazy. Hope their Game Of Thrones one that drops tomorrow is just as good
Telltale's Walking Dead games are fantastic. Dunno if I like the "episode" and "season" structure, but the games themselves are great.
I'm not too crazy about the idea of episodes but I think the seasons thing works well. I'll probably finish season 1 and get to season 2 and then try the Game Of Thrones one later today. It's getting real good reviews