How does Namco's fail make me fail?!
Anyway, since its over and done with now I need something else to play. I may run through Final Fantasy VII again, any ideas?
Styxx, what about Spore? Or Civilization?
Styxx, what about Spore? Or Civilization?
Styxx, what about Spore? Or Civilization?
Spore doesn't look like my deal. I'd give it a go, but don't fancy paying money for it. As for Civilization, I hope you don't mean the first one. I was really looking for something to make good use of my overclocked Core i7 processor, ATI 4850 video card and 6gb of RAM. Not quite what I had in mindCivilization 4 looks cool though. Glad you suggested it actually, that reminds me that I think I have a copy of Age of Mythologies kicking around somewhere.