The Video Game Thread

Never played Warcraft, or Starcraft for that matter......

If anyone with a PS3/360 needs a game that'll last a long time, Just Cause 2 is HUGE. I'm at like 46 hours, and I'm barely halfway done. >.<
And PC. :p

I personally don't like Street Fighter anymore, Street Fighter 4 sucked in my opinion. It made me realize that besides Ryu and Ken, I don't like any of the characters. :lol: Marvel VS. Capcom however, I'll play the crap outta that one. :D
Also, might I also add that if people like Street Fighter then they should check out the Guilty Gear series. Been a huge fan of GG ever since the series first came about (I still have te original PSone game from 1998), so you american SF fans try and pick up one of the PS2 installments - I think they recently released Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core + in the US a year or two ago, resulting inmuch jealousy on my part since we didn't get it over here.

If that doesn't persuade you, bear in mind that it has a metal soundtrack with some characters and moves having references to metal bands/albums (e.g. characters called Testament, Chipp Zanuff and Venom, and Ky Kiske's super combo is called Ride the Lightning). Fucking astonishing series, but very difficult to get to grips with straight away.
Eh, it was $4.99 for that and some side scroller featuring the same characters, but to be honest, I don't play fighting games to be competitve, so unbalanced characters don't really bother me. Unless its Sentinel from Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Fuck him.
Eh, it was $4.99 for that and some side scroller featuring the same characters, but to be honest, I don't play fighting games to be competitve, so unbalanced characters don't really bother me. Unless its Sentinel from Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Fuck him.

Not just Sentinel, but the whole damn game. Agreed though, FUCK Sentinel. What an asshole.
I just play against the PC with the Marvel side when I get bored :lol: But whenever I see Sentinel, I let lose a sigh of despair. :(
Well Onslaught is righfully powerful, it that makes a dfference..... It took the combined life force of ALL the heroes on Earth to kill him. Sentinels are easy to kill for a few select X-Men, so there's no reason for them to be so broken.... :lol:

Picked up the LucasArts adventure pack via Steam last night. 9 euro for Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis, IJ: The Last Crusade, Loom and The Dig? HELLO!
Never seen of played Indiana Jones...... :lol:

Red Dead Redemption is perfect. :D

Also some E3 news.....
NEW Twisted Metal for PS3 next year
Killzone 3 - January
Dead Space 2 - January 25th
New Zelda next year
Some BS Kingdom Hearts 3DS game
The 3D and motion control fads are here to stay
Medal of Honor Beta starts next week
Gran Turismo 5 - November 2nd

Thats about all I got at the moment.