The Video Game Thread

Guilty Gear is crap, sloppy unbalanced, overrated fighter.

Your mom is crap, sloppy, unbalanced and overrated. :lol:

Necrobump - I'm starting Final Fantasy VII yet again in hopes to actually get a perfect game this time after noticing a lot of missed items and such on my current file. I need to get everyone up to Level 99 (that includes Aerith!), get everyone's Lv.4 limit breaks, at least one of every materia in the game, at least one of every armour, weapon and accessory, master all four Enemy Skill materia, max out everyone's stats, beat Emerald and Ruby, get a set of Master Materia for each character (not counting Aerith since she's unavailable at that point of the game, so I need 8 sets), and hopefully manage to finish with at least one of every item (e.g. Earth Mallets, Ghost hands, hero drinks etc.).

I've been playing this game for 12 years and I've finished it more times than I care to fucking count, yet I've never ever managed a perfect game. It's so easy to miss just one thing that will ruin a perfect file for good (such as missing the Trine spell or a piece of armour you can only get at one point in the game) which can be irreversable sometimes, so I may well completely wipe one of my old memory cards just to make sure - that way if I do fuck up I can reload from an earlier point. Also, I have to do this without using any cheat devices like Action Replay because let's face it, the sense of accomplishment would disappear. However, I still plan to exploit the W-Item glitch to the fullest :p

Well, wish me luck. I'll post updates here regularly - if I manage to succeed in a perfect game here, then this may well be the last time I ever play Final Fantasy VII. At least until they remake it (IF they remake it).

And... I'm off!
I was level grinding for like an hour and a half yesterday, results :
Cloud : 69
Barrett : 65
Cid : 64

In other FF related things..... 8 or 9? Opinions on which is better?
Final Fantasy VIII.

Update: currently about 6 hours in, just got to Junon. Obtained Yuffie, levelled up a fair bit, got a shitload of items and gil and all armour, weapons and accessries so far. Right about now is where it starts to get difficult with the whole perfect game thing since there're loads of ways to fuck up at his point.
Seven and a half hours in, halfway through the Corel mountain path. So far so good.

I've been informed that some people only consider a file 'perfect' if you have 99 of every item, weapon and armour in the game, but frankly this is nearly impossible to do since a lot of items you can only ever get one of. So fuck those guys. If I can get 99 of something though I'll do it
No reasons why FF8 is better Dave? :lol:

Also, are the PS1 collections with Crono Trigger and FF6 and such a good idea to buy?
Dave, do you have a perfect battle record as well?

What the fuck are you on about? :lol:

No reasons why FF8 is better Dave? :lol: Also, are the PS1 collections with Crono Trigger and FF6 and such a good idea to buy?

VIII just seemd to grip me more. FFIX was a more 'back to basics' thing and a little overly straightforward. Both are amazing though.

As for Final Fantasy Chronicles (FF4 and CT) and Anthology (FF5 and 6), they're definitely worth it. Four of the best RPGs ever made, but FF4 and 5 are tough as fucking tits. Be prepared to spend hours and hours levelling up and fucking nothing else.

Update: About 11 hours in, up to Cosmo Canyon but lvelling the fuck up in Junon
Have lost any health/whatever the fuck it is in a battle? My mate's always on about how he had a game where he lost no health at all.
As for Final Fantasy Chronicles (FF4 and CT) and Anthology (FF5 and 6), they're definitely worth it. Four of the best RPGs ever made, but FF4 and 5 are tough as fucking tits. Be prepared to spend hours and hours levelling up and fucking nothing else.

Thats fine, I've already beaten those two on my GBA, and wanted the PS1 versions just for 6 and Crono Trigger. FF7 has reignited my love for this series. A love that the ABOMINATION known as FFXIII almost killed......

FF8 is downloading now. 40% :lol:
The GBA ports are for fucking pussies, dumbed down to fuck. The Playstation editions are direct ports of the SNES originals, therefore much more difficult thus better and more rewarding.

Update: About 13 hours into FFVII. Just got up to Mount Nibel, obtained Vincent, spent shitloads of time levelling everyone up to about Lv.35 - 40
So I'm thinking about getting a console since I'm starting my final year of games design at university in september and I haven't owned a console in years, so I thought it would be a good idea to have one to learn more about console games and not just PC games :p
What would you recommend? An Xbox or a PS3? I'm leaning more towards the Xbox since most of my mates have one so I'll be able to play with them on Xbox live, but I've always been a playstation man so I'm not sure :lol:
Update: Sixteen and a half hours in. I'm up to the Temple of he Ancients but since that's the final section before you lose Aerith as a playable character, I'm trying to level her up to lv.99. Which needless to say, is a fucking chore - she's only at lv.42 right now so chances of me finishing disc one before halloween are slim. She hs her lv.4 limit break though and every weapon availble to her up to this point, so my game is as perfect as it can be for now.

Still, pain in the ass trying to gain levels. The most experience I can obtin from a single encounter right now is 2100, and that's not even a regular encounter - so to level up once, I'll need to fight about 10 battles. Pain in the fucking ass, I tell ya.
So I'm thinking about getting a console since I'm starting my final year of games design at university in september and I haven't owned a console in years, so I thought it would be a good idea to have one to learn more about console games and not just PC games :p
What would you recommend? An Xbox or a PS3? I'm leaning more towards the Xbox since most of my mates have one so I'll be able to play with them on Xbox live, but I've always been a playstation man so I'm not sure :lol:

Do you have extra money for Live? Does the 360 have Demon's Souls? If they answer to either question is no, then get a PS3. :lol:
I'm still playing Mw2 and Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction. :lol:
I'm really unlucky at Modern warfare though; get killed very quickly due to the spawn system and my "HOLY FUUUUU" reaction whenever I kill somebody, which makes me freak out, get spotted and shot in the head :hypno:
Yup, that sums up Call of Duty in a nutshell.

Rachet and Clank : Tools of Destruction was from like 07 right? I played the demo and thought it was pretty cool, never played Ratchet and Clank before that.
Leveling Aerith always seemed like a dumb idea to me because I knew she was gonna die. :lol:

After thinking about it though, I think I'd have to give this game "Second Best FF" after 10. If I had played this game back when I was little (Like 99% of most people) it'd be number 1, but that game for me was FFX.

My list :

No, I haven't played 6, 8 or 9 :lol: