The Video Game Thread

First game i can remember playing EVER, was "Roland in the Caves" on the Amstrad CPC.

That or the original "Batman" game from 1986, or "OH MUMMY!" both also on the CPC.

And one to this day I can't remember the name of. It was black and white (amiga etc) and you were in an old western town, and you had to go around the town looking for who was on the wanted posters. When you found him and gunned him down, you went to the next level. it was so Shit. But I want to know what it was.
The first video game I ever played was Duck Hunt
I miss that game so much
Then the game that I've been playing for most of my life is the Metal Gear Solid series, I will never ever hate it.
Even if they put another MGS game out without Snake I'd still play it. I still like MGS 2, even though Raiden is a complete pussface.
First I ever played were Street Fighter II :D

Jesus christ me and Greg had a bloody brilliant time t'other night playing CTR until about 6am - if anyone had been there they'd have died of laughter

'Greg if you get a warp ball I fucking swear...'
*Greg unleashes warp ball*

I cant remember the first game I ever played, might have been Mario Bros. coz its what came with the NES, and duck hunt aswell. But soon we bought megaman 2 and that was the beginning of a new era of geekness. Havent stopped playing videogames since.
First I ever played were Street Fighter II :D

Jesus christ me and Greg had a bloody brilliant time t'other night playing CTR until about 6am - if anyone had been there they'd have died of laughter

'Greg if you get a warp ball I fucking swear...'
*Greg unleashes warp ball*


Fucking warp balls. :cry:
I can't remember my first videogame. Probably something Atari2600 or Coleco-based. I've still got a stack of 6 new releases untouched.
My first game was probably one of the Dizzy games on the Spectrum or something, had a Spectrum 128K (with the disk drive, not the tape drive, much to my endless frustration) and a BBC Micro or something, then I remember playing the original Duke Nukem (side scroller platform one) and the Commander Keen games on one of our early PCs, never had full games though back in the day, we only ever had the shareware versions that came on floppies with my Dads magazines, luckily at that age I was happy to play through the first levels of games over and over...

Just started playing Hitman Blood Money on the 360 this morning, sneaky sneaky garrotey happy.
I believe it was a game called 'stickers' on an apple computer when I was 3. I got a sega game gear at a school yard sale when I was like 5 and had a lion king platformer and sonic 2 for that