The Video Game Thread

Re-visiting "old" games ftw. I'm on a Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 binge at the moment, I just love the feel of it. Wish I could get my Sega Mega Drive back.. :(
best feel from games i ever got were:

Metal Gear Solid PS1
Flashback (lots of formats)
Prince of Persia SNES
Final Fantasy 7 PS1
Super Mario 1 (there's just something about that game)
Gears of War
Shadow of the Colossus
I always loved Star Wars: Shadows of the empire for the N64, it was the first game I got for it, I was playing it all day until I beat it.
I always feel like a freak when I remember that I prefer FFX over FFVII.. Even though most of the voice-acting *cough Tidus cough* is so bad I want to weep.
I usually never made it past the second level. The furthest I got was the level after the stampede stage, then I died haha.
I remember being 6 playing that, and I never got past the first screen of the first level, nor did my best friend at the time.. Damn, I miss her a bit.. Wonder if she's okay, haven't seen her in 12 years... Great, memory-flood. :lol:
I LOVE Gears and Gears 2, especially on the hardest difficulty. Makes you play that little bit more seriously instead of just pointing and shooting, got to use cover tactics alot cos the enemies are really good.

Star wars on the SNES was AWESOME. Although I remember one of them sucking huge penis. Can't remember which.
Probably Super STar Wars. That one was shit, however Super Empire Strikes Back and ESPECIALLY Super Return of the Jedi were fucking amazing. Incredibly hard, but fucking amazing.

I have SUper return of the jedi and its fuckin impossible :rofl:DD
Haha it couldn't have been that hard, even I managed to complete it on hard mode when I was six!

Granted, I never completed Super Emire Strikes Back. I always got killed by Fag Vader near the end, so I got me some passwords from my mate and cheated like a bastard haha