The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

son of a bitch!
Went to bed a little after 12:30, woke up at 3:30 having to shit because of the greasy ass cheesey potatoes.
Go back to bed, never back to sleep. Next thing I know it's 4:00, then 4:30, then 5:00, then 5:30, then 6:00, then my alarm goes off at 6:30.
Today is going to suck. :lol:
Krig's post is about shit again.

My post: I'm in the hills here, trying to memorize everything about cow for tommorow's anatomy exam. Whee.

Also, apparently there are two new girls on the forum who will make this thread their diary for two weeks and then leave disappointed because we are all freaks.
Also, apparently there are two new girls on the forum who will make this thread their diary for two weeks and then leave disappointed because we are all freaks.


Trying to plan my holiday. Does anyone have recommendations of where to go in Germany? At the moment I'm planning to do Berlin, Frankfurt and Leipzig but have some time to fill in between.
TNG is probably the greatest TV series of all time. Also, fun facts from Wikipedia about my namesake, the former dictator of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov:

Niyazov became president at the transition of Turkmenistan from a republic of the Soviet Union to an independent state. His presidency was characterized by an initial crumbling of the centralized Soviet model that in many respects was unsuited to function as a separate entity; also, there were large amounts of foreign income from gas and petroleum reserves (approximately $2–4 billion as of 2005). There was outside concern about press freedom and to a lesser extent religious rights of minority religious groups. Niyazov made a personal attempt to create a cultural background for the new state of Turkmenistan by writing and promoting the Ruhnama, an autobiography meant to guide the people of Turkmenistan with his ideas and promote native culture (and by extension prohibiting foreign culture). He also took part in creating new holidays with a specific Turkmen nature and introduced a new Turkmen alphabet to replace Russian Cyrillic.

Niyazov became a substitute for the vacuum left by the downfall of the communist system, with his image replacing those of Marx and Lenin. He renamed the town of Krasnovodsk "Turkmenbashi" after himself, and renamed schools, airports and even a meteorite after himself and members of his family. His many, sometimes erratic decrees, and the doting actions of the official Turkmen media gave rise to the clear appearance of a "cult of personality." The eccentric nature of some of his decrees, and the vast number of images of the president led to the perception, especially in western countries, of a despotic leader, rich on oil wealth glorifying himself whilst the population gained no benefit.

Despite emphasizing a need to move from a centralized state to a market economy and to a full democracy during his reign neither plan can be said to have progressed. Yearly plans set forth by the government and a centralised economy gave little indication of moving away from state-dominated economics, and the dictatorial nature of many of his decrees and his crowning himself "President for Life" gave little hope as to much progress in these two areas.

Niyazov put the revival of Turkmen culture as one of the top priorities in Turkmenistan's development. He introduced a new Turkmen alphabet based on the Latin alphabet to replace Cyrillic. The National Revival Movement, an organisation to promote Turkmen culture (Turkmen:"Galkynish") was also founded.

In many respects, Niyazov's cultural ideas and changes were most visible to external viewers. His renaming of months, as well as days of the week, to Turkmen heroes, poets, historical events,[9] family members and himself raised many eyebrows all over the world. For example, September was renamed Ruhnama in honour of the book written by Niyazov (which he finished writing on 19 September 2001).[10] Not all the changes promoted Niyazov; October was renamed Garaşsyzlyk to remember the beginning of an independent Turkmenistan, which was obtained on 27 October 1991, and November Sanjar in honour of Sultan Sanjar who led the Seljuqs to their last full flowering. The new names came into effect with the introduction of a new labour law which stated that "the dates of professional holidays are specified by decrees of the President of Turkmenistan".

Turkmenistan's media constantly doted on the president and helped build his cult of personality. In May 2000, the government revoked all Internet licenses except for the state-owned Turkmen Telecom and in June 2001 shut down all Internet cafés.[12]

In February 2005 all hospitals outside Aşgabat were ordered shut, with the reasoning that the sick should come to the capital for treatment.[13] According to the paper Neitralniy Turkmenistan physicians were ordered to swear an oath to the President, replacing the Hippocratic Oath.[14] All libraries outside of the capital were also closed, as Niyazov believed that the only books that most Turkmen needed to read were the Koran and his Ruhnama.[15]

# Niyazov banned the use of lip syncing at public concerts in 2005 as well as sound recordings at "musical performances on state holidays, in broadcasts by Turkem television channels, at all cultural events organized by the state... in places of mass assembly and at weddings and celebrations organized by the public," citing a negative effect on the development of musical arts incurred by the use of recorded music.[24][25]
# Niyazov banished dogs from the capital Ashgabat because of their "unappealing odor." [25]
# According to the Ashgabat correspondent of right-hand-drive imported cars converted to left-hand-drive were banned due to a perceived increased risk in accidents.[26]
# Niyazov requested that a "palace of ice" be built near the capital, even though Turkmenistan is a desert country with a hot and arid climate. The palace was built in 2008 and located near the new Turkmen State Medical University.[27]
# After having to quit smoking in 1997 due to his resultant heart surgery, he banned smoking in all public places and ordered all government employees to follow suit. Chewing tobacco on Turkmen soil was later banned as well.[citation needed]
# In February 2004 he decreed that men should no longer wear long hair or beards.[28]
# He banned news reporters and anchors from wearing make-up on television, apparently because he believed Turkmen women were already beautiful enough without make-up.
# Gold teeth were outlawed in Turkmenistan after Niyazov suggested that the populace chew on bones to strengthen their teeth and lessen the rate at which they fall out. He said:

I watched young dogs when I was young. They were given bones to gnaw to strengthen their teeth. Those of you whose teeth have fallen out did not chew on bones. This is my advice...
God, I fucking love the flier for that Cave show. "Bring water or you will die."

Are there any good black twilight circle bands? I can't stand Volahn and Ashdautes or whatever.
Is he the motherfucker that threatened to nuke Armenia for no actual reason despite not possessing any Nuclear weapons whatsoever?