The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've got to say, I am completely fucking jealous.

Have you thought about starting a page on FB or selling prints or anything? A lot of it is luck, I guess. Well, in the case of meeting the wife of the Full Metal Rock guy. The shot thats going to be in the magazine is for a feature about this local band called Scrap Iron Saints which I shot at in like early April. But if you make an FB page, share it with friends, shoot shows and post it on the bands pages and so on, more people will see, and the chance of getting in contact with someone will increase.
Just went out for an awesome lunch and having a few beers/listening to music,whenI really should be packing.I'm going to sea for 3 months on tuesday morning.It's gonna be a spinout as it's my first time at sea for a long period but i'm really looking forward to it,great pay and an awesome adventure.
Inhaling the fragrance of my socks which are the same pair I've been wearing for the past week or so. For some reason the aroma of my own feet is appealing to me. The smell is very similar to that of the one that has made it's home on my bed sheets, which have strangely gone from being a lovely shade of yellow to a dark brown. I could sit there and suffocate myself with them all day. Honestly I don't know why people wash their bed sheets so often, they're missing out on something that I personally find more exhilarating than sex or even cocaine mixed with crushed advil.
This is my first time with alcohol in a while. I need techno music. And dancing. And women. FUCK MY LIFE. I need to find a rave.
I've gotten to varying levels of drunk almost every night for the past two weeks. I'm not ashamed of it because I am very productive during the day academically. Drinking grappa at the moment, and was going to watch the Bruins game but apparently they are down 3 goals early on. Love being a fair weather fan.

Listening to Funebrarum at the moment too.
I wish I had weed right now. I'd be giving my body a blast of this warm aura while my mind went to teleport land (my first plateau of highness), then my spirit would be overloaded with lust to a degree where I manically will watch porn until I am satiated. Fuck yes. Wonderful time. Then I spend the rest of the high thinking. It rules.
Weed never did me any good. It was great for sex, but that's not a daily guarantee anymore, and it never got me to 'transcendent levels of thought' and worst of all, the after-effects would linger with me into the next day and disrupt my thinking.
That sucks. Well, it does affect different people differently. It has brought my mind into new dimensions of thinking, and has inspired me to write a book about using forms in order to raise one's own intelligence.
I wish I had weed right now. I'd be giving my body a blast of this warm aura while my mind went to teleport land (my first plateau of highness), then my spirit would be overloaded with lust to a degree where I manically will watch porn until I am satiated. Fuck yes. Wonderful time. Then I spend the rest of the high thinking. It rules.
You're so pretentious lol. How old are you again?

Weed never did me any good. It was great for sex, but that's not a daily guarantee anymore, and it never got me to 'transcendent levels of thought' and worst of all, the after-effects would linger with me into the next day and disrupt my thinking.

that after-effect is pretty common. it may seem scary and all but i think people make it sound worse than it is.
Dude. I'm 17, and I've also had some alcohol and LSA, so give me a break with my logophilial use of long-ass words. Don't be such a dicknigger.
Hmm, logophilial.....I'm calling bullshit on that since -al is a Latinate adjective ending which you are appending to a Greek word. I'd go with logophilic.

Get back to me when you are in college.
Whatever, I'm drunk. Anyways, I'm listening to a Daniel Tosh thing. He looks like such a douchebag, but he throws in enough clever lines to keep me listening despite the fact that I loathe stand-up comedy with a passion.
My main problem with weed is that in the morning after a night of smoking I feel more sleepy then normal. The funny part is that in the morning after a night of drinking I usually feel fine and fully awake. That being said, I prefer being high over being drunk.
I wish I had weed right now. I'd be giving my body a blast of this warm aura while my mind went to teleport land (my first plateau of highness), then my spirit would be overloaded with lust to a degree where I manically will watch porn until I am satiated. Fuck yes. Wonderful time. Then I spend the rest of the high thinking. It rules.

It scares me that I'm the same age as you.
I get awful "blazeovers" that last 24+ hours. I always feel the deepest depths of depression on blazeover days, and am usually too sluggish and busy feeling sorry for myself to be of any value.