The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I have successfully sneezed on everything in my vicinity, everywhere I went, for the last few hours.

True trailblazer. That's all my territory now.
Played a racquetball tournament today, got second place in my division. Then played doubles and ran out of energy. Fun day though. Now time for a nice hot shower and a nap.
I spent the entire day in bed because I got wasted yesterday and spent the whole night at some bar. Got to bed at like 6AM. It was kinda lame though.
She was kind of retarded, even more so than me, so I'm glad she's gone.



i went and got a life for myself away from the internet crowd and spent the days in the sunshine with my BF.
Its always refreshing to see that the schoolground mentality never really gets left behind. So much for tryin to make new friends and broaden my horizons :(lol
no offence taken tho guys, ive never had a place i fit in in this world, but i do with my gorgeous BF and thats all the love and cuddles i need :D
Come on now. Saying you got a life is never acceptable on the internet. (And not true anyway)

Weather is supposed to be brutal here today. A half to a quarter inch of ice accumulation then the weather channel shows us in the 8-12 inch of snow range after that. That's a catastrophic combination and I really hope they're wrong.
Some ice and snow here, enough to cancel my work but probably not enough to cancel school tomorrow which blows.
Drinking Tea. Chick I kinda know named Nikki txted me, this is the first time she has actually txted me. Two Nikki's on my phone just spelled differently. One with one k, :lol: I like the name Niki. It is great.
I worked this entire weekend, but still found time to party a little. I had the most delicious chocolate stout ever! I had to drink it with a straw. The bartender was definitely judging me (he kept commenting, "I can't believe you're drinking beer with a straw" etc et), but that shit literally tasted like a chocolate milkshake… for adults. :D