The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

mostly because the topic is inherently uninteresting

that said, on topic:
I'm stressing about the SAT. I just took a practice test and got somewhere between a 1900 (bad) and a 2200 (acceptable). (They only give you ranges because different forms have different areas weighted differently)
I have almost no extra-curriculars, no community service, and my grades are fairly average (although I take demanding courses), so my SAT score is my main selling point for getting into college. The test is March 1st. I'm worried.
When I was your age, the SAT was out of a possible 1600 points.

I got a 1030 on it, but I didn't give a fuck.


2200 out of a possible 2400? That's more than just acceptable..
So I'm going to a tech school for half the day next year. Then the other half of the day I take my normal classes. I'm taking computer tech.
about to grab a coupla hours sleep. my typing has gone to hell, which usually means I've pushed myself a bit too far.
mostly because the topic is inherently uninteresting

that said, on topic:
I'm stressing about the SAT. I just took a practice test and got somewhere between a 1900 (bad) and a 2200 (acceptable). (They only give you ranges because different forms have different areas weighted differently)
I have almost no extra-curriculars, no community service, and my grades are fairly average (although I take demanding courses), so my SAT score is my main selling point for getting into college. The test is March 1st. I'm worried.
Dude 1900-2200 is great. I got a 2170 and I got into one of the top universities in Canada. You should be fine.
Once in high school I attempted to stay awake as long as possible just for the hell of it. I lasted four days and three nights before I succumbed.

I thought about doing that, but I heard it was really bad for you, so I decided not to. Did you suffer any side-effects after it was over?

Once I went for a fortnight using the following pattern at night:

stay awake for 2 hours
cat nap for 15 mins
another 2 hours awake
15 mins more...
...and so on and so forth.

I got up to date with all my work, finished writing a 40k codex, leveled a WoW character to 70 and finished painting an army, but, goddamn, I felt so shit for the entire period.

Wow, that's impressive.
I got a 1750, because I pwned both English sections and was mediocre on the math. And they gave me half the time I needed to finish the essay. It still got me into one of the better state schools in the country, and an invitation to the Honors College here, which I accepted.

Just got back to my room after hanging downstairs for a couple hours, recounting the events of the weekend. A lot of my friends went on a trip to Quebec city, which of course turned into a total drunken shit-show with all the kinky details.
Looking at my work schedule. They gave me tomorrow and Wednesday off for some reason. But they have me working Saturday which is unusual. But I'll take it because I have shit ton of work to do.
I'm kind of glad I didn't have to take the new SAT. I took mine my junior year and did better than any of my friends so I didn't really give a shit. I wasn't really looking to get into any Ivy Leagues (though, oddly, one of my hispanic classmates who did worse than me got accepted into Princeton and I didn't, and I know for a fact that I definitely had a better interview session than he did, which leads me to believe that I was the victim of affirmative action. Not that I wanted to go to Princeton anyway, but still, that always bothered me).
Just read that Slayer won this year's Grammy for Best Metal Performance. Who cares.