The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I also do not get how someone can just drink and say pot is dumb(not that I am big on pot, but it's still better for you than alcohol) because no matter what your sense are purely dumbed down. I would rather not make as much sense online, but would rather have heightened senses for music and my thoughts. Good music sounds ten times better and your thought process is better and atleast makes sense to you which is the only thing that matter, and again only rant in this thread so if you do not like my posts do not read them.

Pot is more of a gateway drug than alcohol, imho
Pot is more of a gateway drug than alcohol, imho

Kind of. I know many kids who use pot but dont get into heavy drugs but some who do. I have noticed that a ton of the hot chicks at my school are REALLY into drinking, drugs and popping pills.
I also do not get how someone can just drink and say pot is dumb(not that I am big on pot, but it's still better for you than alcohol) because no matter what your sense are purely dumbed down. I would rather not make as much sense online, but would rather have heightened senses for music and my thoughts. Good music sounds ten times better and your thought process is better and atleast makes sense to you which is the only thing that matter, and again only rant in this thread so if you do not like my posts do not read them.


Regardless how much pot you smoke am generally 6 times higer than you.:)

I only generally type rants/vent about females and personal things when really high(not weed highs, somtimes). I smoke pot occasionally(not a pothead) and drink and get sick of both. I'm more a xanex and painkiller person and have actually never had a problem where it affects work and relation ships with family and females and when not having some at certan points in time can generally smoke cigs have some beer and an occasional bowl dealing with withdrawl.

I perosnally get sick of drinking because it's purely a drowner right away dumbing down your sense especially when it comes to music and playing and hearing music. Alcohol is the only substance that has negativly affected my life in terms of jobs, and relationships with females and family. I can't understand how someone could like ddinking and have a problem with pot or certain types of pills. I think aslong as you work your ass off clean where you live and be somewhat of a productive person and have something you enjoy doing striving at not indulging you should not have a problem with either. I do think out of substances(not including hardcore substances which is dumb) alcohol is the worst.

WTF us Xanex? is this a new type of body hugging clothing for sports? lol

females, females, females, females.... we get the idea. You are a master womaniser or whatever and you are deeply involved in your art. :p

Drinking is the only one I can be even slightly bothered with. I love how confident and retarded it makes me. Anyway... blah
I do not really consider alcohol a drug. I recall people considering it a drug.

Pot can be a gateway drug, but you also have to keep in mind you have to drink a lot with beer it kills your liver is more damaging in general and is purely a downer which dumbs down your senses right from the beginning shutting down your brain and motorkills. Pot and pills enlighten your senses and you also notice your souroundings more because you're high eventually coming down feeling better and also do not have the side effects of say feeling bad or having a hangover like with beer/general alcohol. I'm not addicted to anything where would consider myself an addict and can deal with withdrawls(cigs help a lot during tmes when you might not have substances period). I do think people who drink alot being their ly substance just drinking are ten times more retarded than people who smoke or do pills occasionally. I guess it depends on the person and your indulgence in substances. Beer can also make people very loathing and some people violent. I've never smoked pot or have met anyone who has who have become violent or really degenerate where people can who drink.

If I drink for example my brain basically shuts down and do not want to do anything and become very pessimistic thinking the world is a bad place and life is pointless. If I smoke pot or do pills i'm atleast thinking about things in my head even have goels,etc.. and are thinking about a lot of things and how to deal with them or what to do and have a longer period of time to do so). I sometimes want to do something or say things to people and sometimes feel like doing something whether it be leaving or even clean my room cleaning up the apartment taking out the garbage or even do dishes,etc. because I feel good. Beer made me feel good when 16, but now i'm just drunk and even though feel alittle better than when sober wake up feeling like shit. I think aslong as someone is productive having a job and something they like doing being somewhat productive not indulging non of this can be bad. Aslong as I work and see a girlfriend of mine and meet chicks and work can deal with being sober to a certain extent. I'm just not one of those persons who can be sober all the time.
If The Greys wrote a book, I would always joke to my friends about buying, but I never would. Not for myself, anyway. I might buy it as a gag gift to someone else. Someone I hate.
I also notice alcohol is the only subtance i've done that has made me miss work or prolone neccesary things in life and also have negetive affects on relationships with people I know. I'm at the point not where if could rid drinking would be a much better person.

I'm not huge on pot, but pot is more safe and less damaging than alcohol.