The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Depends whether I'm trying to get my thoughts down on the page as fast as I can, or whether I'm taking my post seriously or not, or if I'm just plain lazy or too tired to concentrate on such trivial things.
I've finally figured it out. He is stoned off his face every time he makes one of those posts. That makes it actually entertaining and funny.



Regardless how much pot you smoke am generally 6 times higer than you.:)

I only generally type rants/vent about females and personal things when really high(not weed highs, somtimes). I smoke pot occasionally(not a pothead) and drink and get sick of both. I'm more a xanex and painkiller person and have actually never had a problem where it affects work and relation ships with family and females and when not having some at certan points in time can generally smoke cigs have some beer and an occasional bowl dealing with withdrawl.

I perosnally get sick of drinking because it's purely a drowner right away dumbing down your sense especially when it comes to music and playing and hearing music. Alcohol is the only substance that has negativly affected my life in terms of jobs, and relationships with females and family. I can't understand how someone could like ddinking and have a problem with pot or certain types of pills. I think aslong as you work your ass off clean where you live and be somewhat of a productive person and have something you enjoy doing striving at not indulging you should not have a problem with either. I do think out of substances(not including hardcore substances which is dumb) alcohol is the worst.
Drinking instant coffee and writing responses to reaction essays posted online by other people in my Honors class.

Anybody else here's school use FirstClass?
I just eddited halfmy post and do not undertand why someone has to quote unl;ess they know the person is done. I personally think it's very arrogant.
I just eddited halfmy post and do not undertand why someone has to quote unl;ess they know the person is done. I personally think it's very arrogant.

Well, I didn't expect something like that to bother you, given how supposedly unconcerned you are with people's perception of you - or with whether others can even understand what you're saying - but fine, I'll delete it.
He seems like a slightly absurd person. Usually trolls actually try to annoy people. They don't spend time writing depressing monologues.

True. Though he really borders on spamming, imo. Just imagine what this place would be like if he posted 2 or 3 times as often.
Mainly that he knows his posts are laughably incoherent, and yet he continues making them as if no one even notices. That seems slightly absurd to me.

Are you sober ?

well i'm high and I do not intentionally do it. I also get overly excited about females I know more than normally when high and my thought are all over the place. I only rant in this thread and try typing less when it comes to music,etc... I feel I make sense when discussing music,etc..

Ender could actually tell I was high so even if the posts did not make sense he did not see me as trolliing intentionally or trying to piss people. I'm not

I think a lot of people here are sober besides some and sometimes when you type on a computer instead it can get strange depending on what is running through you head. If I wrote down everything running through my head on paper when outside smoking a cig and came back and post it would not make sense to anyone. I'm not trolling.
I also do not get how someone can just drink and say pot is dumb(not that I am big on pot, but it's still better for you than alcohol) because no matter what your sense are purely dumbed down. I would rather not make as much sense online, but would rather have heightened senses for music and my thoughts. Good music sounds ten times better and your thought process is better and atleast makes sense to you which is the only thing that matter, and again only rant in this thread so if you do not like my posts do not read them.
and yeah. I should not rant when really high because there are tons of spelling misakes and it makes no sense to anyone but me :lol:. you win