The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Going to do some laundry. I've got tons and tons of clothing scattered all over the place and it's been really annoying me lately, because of all the stuff I can't wear until I stop procrastinating (for no reason) and actually do some laundry!
watching the chargers/patriots game. the patriots are playing horribly! they had 4 chances on the 1 yard line and they couldnt score. they should have gone for the field goal on 4th, but they decided to go for it and blew it.

boy am i glad i picked SD this week.
Staying up. Yeah, it's fucking 05:03 nightime here. I'm sitting up so i wont oversleep and be late for work in two hours, i tend to be tired as hell on monday mornings.


It is thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so I don't have school tomorrow. However, I do have to do some writing assignments, so it is almost as annoying as a usual day.
It is thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so I don't have school tomorrow. However, I do have to do some writing assignments, so it is almost as annoying as a usual day.

Woot for work tomorrow!

Though it doesn't excuse the fact that I really want to get drunk, but have no alcohol left, and there's no point in buying any if I've got no one to drink with. :cry:
i dont understand why everyone thinks it's thanksgiving tomorrow

the only explanation i can come up with is that i have no idea what month it is

plus theres no way tomorrow is thursday

duh fuck?
is it a foreigner thanksgiving?

i don't get it why would a foreigner be thankful? usually they just illegally barge into america and adopt our holidays
Woot for work tomorrow!

Though it doesn't excuse the fact that I really want to get drunk, but have no alcohol left, and there's no point in buying any if I've got no one to drink with. :cry:

In all honesty, I really could do with some booze tomorrow, drinking buddies or not. *sigh*

Right now? Trying to create some kvlt-as-fvck riffs before I head to bed.
good for you. i'm a reader, too

i'm a true crime buff, though

i can get into any interesting story

i don't drink most of the time but when i do i go overboard.

i also like romantic walks on the beach
What time is it for you? Seems a little late to be drinking coffee.

It's 2am here, and coffee really doesn't keep me awake or anything - that's that I make it twice as strong as most people I know. And my sleeping habits the past 8 days have been a bit off, I've been falling alseep between 8am and 10am, so regardless it doesn't seem to matter what I do - I'll most likely end up sleeping around 8am.
Nah, it's annoying more than anything, it just messes up my day. I'm a 'night owl' but I also enjoy waking up, drinking coffee and listening to music in the early morning hours where time seems to slow down a bit, enough for me to enjoy things.