The Where The Fuck Are You Thread

Just pulled over to a gas line with "promise" of delivery "today". Its 2:40 EST. 100 cars or so in front of me. Got unlimited data on my phone and Netflix streaming. Lets see how this goes.
waited 3:20 minutes ... no gas ... truck didn't show.
getting up at 4am and continuing my search.

have about 1-2 gallons left in the tank.

quite frankly on an international level this is beyond embarassing for the NY Tri-State area ... complete breakdown of infrastructure and any sort of communication.
there is no way to know what station has/will have gas ... seems like a pretty simple system to implement.
3:20?? Holy fucking fuck. The wife is obsessed with this kind of stuff. I want to tell her about your ordeal, bit shell want to join RC
I have a bike and have been using it ... it is freaking dumb I agree ... but I mean c'mon ... NYC has 8 million fucking people + NJ which half the state was affected ... that's like total the population of a few countries in Europe all of a sudden are halted.
At the bookstore.
U2 was playing overhead a minute ago and I thought I was going to have to leave
Sitting through anti-harassment training. I want to do horrible sexual things to the HR person training us
I'm at the Paramount Building, which houses my school's nursing program plus the FBI. One of my classes meets here (happens when the main building runs out of classrooms), plus I just like to loiter here because it's nice. The FBI occupies the entire fifth floor of this building because they utilize some of the technology that the nursing department uses. Or something like that.
About to go vote anti-coon. I'd be completely indifferent towards voting today (tired as fuck,) but after reading on Drudge that coons are preemptively up in trees over Kong being dethroned, there is no choice.
U2 was playing overhead a minute ago and I thought I was going to have to leave

today at work a U2 song came on the rock station, so i said "fuck this shit" and walked over to the radio and changed it to the classic rock station, and they were playing a newer U2 song. you win this one, radio bastards.