The Whining and Bitching Thread

No, it's absolutely not. It's not too hard to learn to SPEAK, because there's no conjugation and grammar is really simple, but learning to read and write is nearly impossible because it's not phonetic. If you don't know a character you can't read it; you can't "sound it out" and even if you know how to say it, you can't figure out what it means from that. There's a few patterns, but they're inconsistent and stupid. It's really a stupid language. It makes beautiful poetry and sounds nice when sung and all but in practical terms it's stupid stupid stupid. Also, Chinese people find it fucking hilarious when white people take Chinese, and also you'll hear them talking and if you have the balls to try talking in Chinese you'll quickly discover there's a difference between Mandarin and Cantonese.

I really find it easy. We just have differing opinions. I don't see what is nearly impossible with recognizing a set of lines as a word. And everyone knows there is a difference between Mandarin and Cantonese. Mandarin has 5 tones and Cantonese has 9. Some words are similar like diao and diu but some words are completely different like jyo and gao.

My whining and bitching for today: The right side of my jaw keeps locking when I open my mouth and it's a pain in the ass.
Pretty sure Mandarin has 4 tones...

Anyhow, Cantonese is written the same unless I'm mistaken, just pronounced differently.

The problem isn't recognizing a set of lines, it's remembering one out of several thousand extremely similar sets of lines.
Pretty sure Mandarin has 4 tones...

Anyhow, Cantonese is written the same unless I'm mistaken, just pronounced differently.

The problem isn't recognizing a set of lines, it's remembering one out of several thousand extremely similar sets of lines.

Mandarin has 5. Rising, high, falling, falling then rising, and neutral. According to my friend from Taiwan and all the Mandarin speakers I know from Hong Kong.
I'm very annoyed that my show was hijacked by the hockey broadcast, and that I was told about it just before I went in to do my show. I could have taken a later bus from Boston today if I knew the show was no go.

On the bright side that gives me more time to finish my Latin paper, so I can go to the gym tomorrow morning.
I just got back from spending fucking 5 hours at a distant relatives house and not doing shit because no one there was my age.
I'm doing absolutely terribly at college. I can't see how I'm leading to anywhere in life and my social life has deteriorated into none existence.

I will be posting on here less but my problems kind of go beyond that.
fuck you dude I can't change the color of my skin, so I'm fucking sorry if your brain can't handle the fact that I'm a Black Asian transsexual
I'm pissed that somebody can come onto my property and I can't make them leave. And the fact that they can pull a knife on me, threaten to stab me and then say they're going to launch war on my home and it's not against the fucking law. I'm moving to fucking Texas the first chance I get.
I'm pissed that somebody can come onto my property and I can't make them leave. And the fact that they can pull a knife on me, threaten to stab me and then say they're going to launch war on my home and it's not against the fucking law. I'm moving to fucking Texas the first chance I get.

Uh, I'm pretty sure you can make anybody leave your property that you don't want there. Unless it was, like, your mother.
I thought it was too, until a fucking maniac interrupted my band practice screaming and cussing at me in MY yard and trying to say I'm rude when I was being polite to the guy, trying to apologize for the noise and telling him it was only temporary. Then he wouldn't stop so me, my drummer, and my guitarist told him to leave before we forced him to. Then my guitarist (who's a 6 foot 5 pile of muscle and he also recently started taking legal steriods) nearly chased him out of my yard. The dude pulls out a knife on the street and tells us to not be pussy's and fight him like men (that makes sense when he has a knife). So we ran at him in the street and scared him off into his yard. We called the cops and when they got there and talked to the guy, they didn't do shit. Everything he did is legal in Maryland. We could've gotten in more trouble because we called him a my pals. Luckily he wasn't black, if he was, we could've gone to jail for a few days and been heavily fined. Fuck this piece of shit country. I fucking hope that Texas succeeds when I move there because if they do atleast I would have personal rights and freedoms (plus it would help slow down the NAU). Anyways, I digress, bottom line... THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT.


Uh, I'm pretty sure you can make anybody leave your property that you don't want there. Unless it was, like, your mother.

In Maryland, I can't force him off of my property, all I can do is hope he's easily intimidated and I can call the cops. That is all I can do under state law.
fuck, just spilled my drink all over my pants


I believe the word you're looking for is:

We could've gotten in more trouble because we called him a my pals. Luckily he wasn't black
Um...then why'd you call him a my pals?

I fucking hope that Texas succeeds
So that's it! The South thought that the North didn't want them to SUCCEED, not SECEDE. No wonder they were pissed off.

In Maryland, I can't force him off of my property, all I can do is hope he's easily intimidated and I can call the cops. That is all I can do under state law.
Your laws fail then. Is murder illegal there?
And tbh in liberal-as-fuck Brookline you can tell him to leave. It's one is gonna get arrested for standing on your lawn.