The Whining and Bitching Thread

Jesus fucking Christ it's hot as hell in this house,and I can't do a damn thing about it.

buy a fan

Fuck me, I think I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I've had a nodule on my throat close to my lymph nodes for a while now (it hurts occasionally and isn't securely attached, I can move it around), I just haven't bothered looking into it and just shrugged it off. I decided to mention something to my mom about it tonight and she mentioned that Lymphoma was what killed my grandmother and having a family history of it highly raises the chances. Also, I've developed back problems over the past year and it's gotten worse and worse, especially in the lower back which is another common symptom of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Fuck me, I should've looked into this possible tumor on my throat when it first formed. It's getting bigger too and I think another one is starting to form. Fuck.
Awe, shit son, that sucks. Yeah, I went to the doctor's office today. For a couple of weeks I've had a sore lower back and I figured I could just shrug it off... But after a few rugby practices I realized how sore it was actually getting to the point where I couldn't even jog/ run. Sooo from all my working out and playing rugby and gym class and whatever else I do, I've done some crazy stuff to my muscles and spine, and now I'm getting muscle spasms. I can't play rugby for a week, and we are having a big game tomorrow that I REALLY wanted to play! :( AND I have to see a physiotherapist, and I can't do gym class, or workout or ANYTHINGGGG. What am I going to do with myself. At least I got my ipod back from apple. :)
Find a sport that doesn't involve getting the shit beat out of you constantly?

There's a local rugby team/league and I used to work with some marines on the team, they kept wanting me to come out and play. Went a few practices. Missed the first game and then all 3 of the other guys came back with broken fingers, huge bruises, etc etc even thought they won the game. The only guy that never got that fucked up was like 6'0+ 220lbs with an 70s Arnold physique.

Never went to another practice lol, risk didn't equal reward imo.
I love playing football with like 3 friends...I'd never want to play on a full team. Organized sports suck so much.
I just can't get into sports. When I watch soccer I just see some guys running up and down a field kicking a ball. I can't find it entertaining.
The only sport I really got into watching was baseball. But haven't watched it lately because I don't have fucking cable.

Anyone know how I can watch Redsox games online?
Baseball is the least entertaining sport to me. Hitting a ball with a bat and running in a square. I would seriously rather watch people play chess.