The Whining and Bitching Thread

DT/Opeth tomorrow.
Wait, why am I posting that here?
I guess I wanted to bring some joy into this thread.

Meanwhile, Netflix are being utter wankers. I think they've decided to choke my account (when you get too many movies out of them by watching + returning really efficiently and then they slow down your service).
win, I tell ye.

I was expecting to make use of this thread after doing hard labor today at my first day of work, but rather I am lightly drunk just before watching Jeopardy. Hmm, I only had a couple glasses of wine and three shots of amaretto in my after-dinner coffee. I guess exhaustion lowers the tolerance. Weeee.
So I burnt the tip of the middle finger of my left hand cooking last night and it fucking hurts to type with it, and it's my best finger for typing.

I'm getting really tired of shit breaking and/or going horribly wrong and costing lots of money. Especially since I'm trying to save some cash to go overseas with. Every week there's some fucking disaster that I have to spend half my pay on.
Someone is suffering from little man syndrome. You're just a little teddy bear arentcha! Yeah you are! You're a little teddy bear. All soft and fuzzy. Makes me want to just hug you for hours and hours.

ahem...go fuck yourself
Someone is suffering from little man syndrome. You're just a little teddy bear arentcha! Yeah you are! You're a little teddy bear. All soft and fuzzy. Makes me want to just hug you for hours and hours.

ahem...go fuck yourself

You're a fucking moron. Nobody takes you seriously, you stupid fucking shit. The only thing you're fucking qualified to talk about is who fucking won the BIG GAME ON SUNDAY which is the most fucking rudimentary shit I can imagine. You and your stupid guido friend who has horrible taste in music are fucking horrible, stupid people. You're a fucking cancer and a fucking nuisance to society you fucking plebeian. Grab your fucking shovel and make a fucking house for me you stupid inferior fucking shit. You are beneath me.