The Whining and Bitching Thread

I cannot begin to describe how irritating it is when someone criticizes the way I go about doing something (if it works for me, that is.) simply because it's different from what they do. For example, I just got into an argument with a friend of mine about the way I read and digest books. I make little profiles in my mind as I read, try to paint a picture of the character based on what I know up to the point I've read, and I keep these profiles subject to change as I read, and it works for me. My friend said that that way is stupid and takes more effort than just thinking about it after I'm done reading about it, that it makes no sense to try to define the character before I know everything. What she does works for her, and what I do works for me, but she seemed to have some kind of stupid ass issue with just letting it be. I say, let me read the way I read, and you read the way you read, and shut the fuck up with your criticism of the way I read a fucking book, you stupid, obsessive, my-way-or-you're-wrong bitch. Anyone who tries to tell me the way I should go about my business when what I do works for me needs to shove it up their fucking ass. People are right when they tell me to get a job, work harder in college, things like that... but let me fucking read a fucking book the way I read.

You really should consider breaking your post up into easier-to-read sections; the way you formatted that sucks.
I cannot begin to describe how irritating it is when someone criticizes the way I go about doing something (if it works for me, that is.) simply because it's different from what they do. For example, I just got into an argument with a friend of mine about the way I read and digest books. I make little profiles in my mind as I read, try to paint a picture of the character based on what I know up to the point I've read, and I keep these profiles subject to change as I read, and it works for me. My friend said that that way is stupid and takes more effort than just thinking about it after I'm done reading about it, that it makes no sense to try to define the character before I know everything. What she does works for her, and what I do works for me, but she seemed to have some kind of stupid ass issue with just letting it be. I say, let me read the way I read, and you read the way you read, and shut the fuck up with your criticism of the way I read a fucking book, you stupid, obsessive, my-way-or-you're-wrong bitch. Anyone who tries to tell me the way I should go about my business when what I do works for me needs to shove it up their fucking ass. People are right when they tell me to get a job, work harder in college, things like that... but let me fucking read a fucking book the way I read.

Who first posed the question about reading?
I was talking about one of the characters in the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and she asked if I had finished the book, I said no, not yet, but that I like to think about what I know about the characters up to the point I'm at, and... begin fight.

Hope that answers your question.

She later apologized.
I don't care if someone read that or not, it was a hate filled rant, not part of a discussion.

I usually make really short posts, and separate longer ones well, thank you very much.

It was just a joke, telling you how to do something, in reference to what you actually posted about :loco:
i was looking forwards to the kamelot + firewind gig but got the wrong fucking venue! grrrrr

and my friend who is pissing everybody off by thinking hes hard because he gets drunk a lot. and hes turned into a fucking emo.

and my dad has cancer and three years to live if the major surgery doesnt work. other than that im peachy :D
i was looking forwards to the kamelot + firewind gig but got the wrong fucking venue! grrrrr
I just imagined some guys in leather jackets and band shirts and shit with long hair, already slightly toasted, walking into a country music concert and being all "FIREWIND!!!!"

Sucks about your dad, though. Sorry to hear.
The Fountainhead is decent. Atlas Shrugged is way better though

I've wanted to read Atlas Shrugged for years. Ayn Rand is a very intereseting person.

I hate Ayn Rand with a passion.

I believe that a lot of people on this forum do...

...and I knew you would cookie. :cool:

EDIT: Corporations pay schools to teach her to business students. That's fucked up.

Well, she is one of the biggest defenders of capitalism in the nation. They teach Adam Smith, so why not Ayn Rand?

Personally, I admire Ayn Rand. She definitely has some flaws in her reasoning (I actually wrote a paper for a critical thinking class where I focused on one of her speeches and found some fallacies in her argument), and she isn't very open-minded towards communism. But you have to look at her past, and how much Soviet Russia fucked her family's life up. She has a legitimate reason to hate communism and support capitalism. Her family was forced to flee their home because of "communism."
She was extremely intellectually lazy. She doesn't deserve to be praised as she is if she doesn't have the integrity to at least get the philosophical arguments that she's countering in her books correct. She also just wasn't a very good novelist in general. Which I guess should be obvious since she was a propagandist and not a novelist.
Ayn Rand is decent. The ideas she has are good, I think, and I'm really into the Fountainhead, it's well written, but I agree that she is a bit intellectually lazy and I think she's a complete idiot in real life (she was strongly against feminism and gay rights, so she was a cuntrake imho) but Objectivism has a grain of truth. It's not to be taken to extremes, but it is interesting. She could have gone about presenting it better, and explaining it better, but she got her point across. I don't see myself becoming an Objectivist though.

It was just a joke, telling you how to do something, in reference to what you actually posted about :loco:

<-- has humor sensors set to fail
So, I've forgotten how low The Gathering Wilderness is mixed compared to To the Nameless Dead. Poor production pisses me off. I absolutely love the sound Primoridal achieve through their instruments; but godammit, they're meant to be LOUD!