The Whining and Bitching Thread

This talk about "weakness" reminded me how my ex would tell both me and other people that I couldn't pick her up. Then I would pick her up. Then a few months later she'd say the same fucking shit - again to me, and others. Are you that committed to portaying me as weak to others, or is your memory that bad? Christ.
I'm not really insecure about much.

I don't really care what people at my school think of my appearance or the way I act.

This talk about "weakness" reminded me how my ex would tell both me and other people that I couldn't pick her up. Then I would pick her up. Then a few months later she'd say the same fucking shit - again to me, and others. Are you that committed to portaying me as weak to others, or is your memory that bad? Christ.

Another example why having a girlfriend isn't all awesome.

If I have learned anything about women it's that you should never ever make a joke/comment about them being fat. Even if it's obvious they are not fat. They will get mad at you. What women think is fat and what men think is fat are two different things.

If only there were girls who realized they were attractive, and weren't sluts.
Fuckin' not in a good mood, i don't know how to explain it, i'm like emotionally sick. I'm having having mixed feelings everyday. I was very happy a while ago, then i became depressed, i don't know why, and now i am feeling happy again. I can guarantee you that an hour later i will be depressed again. I fuckin' hate it.
A lot of girls are emotionally insecure and it isn't related to perceived obesity. I'm talking things that pretty much everyone is insecure about and really doesn't want to be made fun of for.
Things guys are insecure about:
Bicep size
Penis size
And that's more or less it.

I couldn't give a fuck about my bicep size, I'm a fat cunt and accept it, and my cocks fine. There's some bigger, but hell, there's some guys with (literally) 3 inch dicks. And that's with erections. BBC3 documentarys ftl.

I'm more insecure about girl shit. And what people think about me. Having been around when people slag off people, but then are really friendly to their face, i get worried about that happening to me.
I cannot begin to describe how irritating it is when someone criticizes the way I go about doing something (if it works for me, that is.) simply because it's different from what they do. For example, I just got into an argument with a friend of mine about the way I read and digest books. I make little profiles in my mind as I read, try to paint a picture of the character based on what I know up to the point I've read, and I keep these profiles subject to change as I read, and it works for me. My friend said that that way is stupid and takes more effort than just thinking about it after I'm done reading about it, that it makes no sense to try to define the character before I know everything. What she does works for her, and what I do works for me, but she seemed to have some kind of stupid ass issue with just letting it be. I say, let me read the way I read, and you read the way you read, and shut the fuck up with your criticism of the way I read a fucking book, you stupid, obsessive, my-way-or-you're-wrong bitch. Anyone who tries to tell me the way I should go about my business when what I do works for me needs to shove it up their fucking ass. People are right when they tell me to get a job, work harder in college, things like that... but let me fucking read a fucking book the way I read.