The Whining and Bitching Thread

My biggest obstacle is the notion that if I'm rejected by a girl, she'll think I'm a creep or I've been stalking her, and there would be this awkwardness between us to prevent us from just being friends. I guess I worry too much about what other people think of me.

I wouldn't worry about that.

The only women that men have as friends are those that are too ugly for them to fuck, or those that they think they haven't got a chance with anyway.

Once you realise that women are evil, contemptible creatures worth only scorn and the wrong end of a ball-pein hammer, you'll fell much more able to date them.

My biggest obstacle is the notion that if I'm rejected by a girl, she'll think I'm a creep or I've been stalking her, and there would be this awkwardness between us to prevent us from just being friends. I guess I worry too much about what other people think of me.

I kinda get the same way. I also don't really meet many girls I like.
Yeah, I didn't room with mine. Sure, we went to the same college, but those things I mentioned were problems even though we lived in separate dorms. Hell, they were even problems during the summer when we lived in our respective homes.

Yeah, my ex wanted me to spend the night 7 times a week, and couldn't understand that sometimes I might just want to be in my own room. Anyway, be careful you don't get punched in the face when you say "well I'm going to my apartment tonight" like I did. Then again, I doubt your gf is so absurd/insane.

Thanks for the advice. :cool: She isn't too absurd. She likes her space too, sometimes. But she's definitely insane (in a good way). :cool: It's one of the things I like about her.
I guess I worry too much about what other people think of me.

Its easy to not care what people think when you start hating them.

Once you realise that women are evil, contemptible creatures worth only scorn and the wrong end of a ball-pein hammer, you'll fell much more able to date them.

Thats pretty much how I feel about most girls at my school (or at least the more popular ones). They're always making fun of other people behind their backs and making up stupid shit about people like 2 year olds playing make believe. GROW THE FUCK UP.

Some of them made up stories of me doing drugs in middle school because I changed schools and had to wake up an hour earlier and was always tired and bored and had no friends. Maybe that could've been why my eyes were always half open, fuck those fags who make make up negative stories about people for no reason.

Being single kicks ass. I don't have to ask permission to play a video game out of fear that "someone" will get mad/jealous, or inform someone "ok I'm going to bed now, are you ok with that?" among other things. The point is I can actually do what I want now.

Then again, my (3-year) relationship was clearly far from normal, and I didn't know it at the time. So being single kicks ass in comparison. Because that was the only long-term relationship I've had, I'm having trouble imagining what it's like to be able to have a girlfriend and still do what you want to do (like play guitar, and video games, etc)

I agree, I had a gf for a few months and it was like having a pet that needed constant attention to their chaotic lives and stupid problems and gave me the latest gossip about people I didn't know or care about. Every day it was "I'm fat, blah blah blah". Until I told her that she wouldn't be my gf if she was fat, which finally made her shut up for a little while.

I don't see how that is mean or cold or anything. Like telling a girl she has visible facial hair, its not mean, its just telling her she has something on her face that is a turn off to guys which she could easily get rid of.

I agree, I had a gf for a few months and it was like having a pet that needed constant attention to their chaotic lives and stupid problems and gave you the latest gossip about people I didn't know or care about. Every day it was "I'm fat, blah blah blah". Until I told her that she wouldn't be my gf if she was fat, which finally made her shut up for a little while.

I don't see how that is mean or cold or anything. Like telling a girl she has visible facial hair, its not mean, its just telling her she has something on her face that is a turn off to guys which she could easily get rid of.

If I have learned anything about women it's that you should never ever make a joke/comment about them being fat. Even if it's obvious they are not fat. They will get mad at you. What women think is fat and what men think is fat are two different things.
Wow, I can't even tell you how sick I am of hearing "I'm fat..."

And I know what you mean about them needing constant attention. At least Einherjar gives me some hope, saying his gf likes her space sometimes.
I can't fucking understand why I do not have access to the UM hub on DC++; I mean shit, I want to be up in those guys' assholes... WHY WON'T THEY LET ME JOIN THEIR CLUB I MEAN FUCK.

Seriously though, I would love to browse that hub...
yeah, but you have to register and I have no idea how - the website I was linked to doesn't even work anymore.
If I have learned anything about women it's that you should never ever make a joke/comment about them being fat. Even if it's obvious they are not fat. They will get mad at you. What women think is fat and what men think is fat are two different things.

It would be like someone calling you weak or something.
Or maybe not weak. Whatever. Something you're really, really self-conscious about. I actually think weak is a good example; guys are generally self-conscious of the size of their biceps and their physical strength. This is, if you think about it, ridiculous, as situations in everyday life in which you'll need it are rare.

Or penis size. Whatever.
I guess, but being insecure about things like that I think are less prevalent amongst men than being insecure about weight is amongst women.

I think this is true, mostly because more weight (no pun intended) is placed on women's weight and general attractiveness than on men's muscle size and attractiveness.