The Whining and Bitching Thread

I might go live in Taiwan temporarily and teach English. If you're a native speaker and know a little Chinese then you can do good there.
You could probly call it that, though I'm pretty sure that 90% of the time it's caused by having an irregular sleeping pattern. I've had to call in at my internship a few times this summer due to not getting any sleep the night before, even if I intentionally deprived myself of hours of sleep on the previous night or two. It's a bigger problem now that I have to drive 90 miles to get there - not only do I have to wake up 6-8 hours earlier than is natural for me, but it's nearly impossible to stay awake for such a long drive when severely sleep-deprived. I've concluded that I pretty much have to get up at 6-8 AM every day in order to make it to this one fucking day per week job. Still haven't managed that yet.

And yes, I realise how incredibly absurd my work situation sounds right now. Yay for not being able to find a real job.

What about taking a prescribed sleeping pill?
well today, I went to lunch with my momma at an indian restaurant, and got served by this hot , little cute girl.Later on, I went to the hospital with my mom because she had HORRIBLE pain in her shoulder ( some calcium deposit in the bone popped or something ). Near the end, I go walking around and I see that girl again ( server) waiting outside where we were. She starts talking to me and shit, we go and sit down and talk more. Then a security guard comes to get her because she has to go back to the room.and yes, she was hitting on me, very much so.

so basically i got all worked up because i thought she was super interested in me, and then i figured out ( inferred tbh ) that she was insane/fucked up in some way. Also, not many girls hit on me.

SO that severly pissed me off TBH
Dude, crazy girls can be fun. I have an unhealthy liking to girls who are fucked up in some way though.

Good news and bad news. I have to work today from around 3 to 10 or something. Good news: I'M GETTING PAID TO WORK AT AN ALLMAN BROTHERS CONCERT.

I'll be sure to take a position checking for VIP wristbands and tags because it's close to the VIP bathroom and the stage.
That guy that stands on a major intersection collecting change from people wielding a cardboard sign (conveniently) that reads "homeless please help."

He is there every other day, and uses a different sign every 4 days.

He also is wearing a different outfit eachtime.

He wears newish Nike's.

Parks his car in the parking lot of an adjacent mall.
You need to watch Don't Be A Menace.... by the Wayans Brothers..they have a great scene regarding what you just said!

Anyway, I fucking hate Quentin Tarantino's massive fucking's fucking imposing and intrusive and fucking ugly..and he needs to stop making movies and writing scripts and go back to his fucking shitty ass video store and re-watch all those old Japanese movies and stop "paying homage/blatantly ripping off scenes" to them..

Life's good otherwise, just drove through the thickest fog I've ever driven through on the freeway with some Blut Aus Nord one else on the road cuz it was 1am and it was just such a perfect mix of serenity and chaos
Man does this forum suck now. It's always like this:

Poster X posts a random opinion or comment.

Random poster brings up Meme A

Another poster makes alternate version of Meme A

Third poster gets another try at meme A with limited success as it’s already a pretty boring formula.

Ozzman kills meme A for good

Eligos Tries to be clever

Onder posts a funny tirade in bad English

V.V.V.V.V. :lol:

Cookiecutter :worship:

Zeph: Trying to be intellectual and at the same time making us aware that he's sexually experienced and compares advantageously to most virgins on this board.

Ozzman mentions oatmeal on rainy days, boats, tourists or latin as it’s really interesting and funny to bring these up whenever Zeph is posting.

V.V.V.V.V. makes sure that people know that he got a text from his girlfriend about sex. He’s still very excited about those as sex is still very much a novelty for him.

False Joe mentions that he had sex now, until this wonderful event repeats itself he’ll be drinking alcohol in the meantime.

JAGEagent writes a long sentence that makes no sense but that’s probably about him being a virgin.

Mort Divine has found the new love of his life, she’s a little old by his standard as she got her first period. But at least she likes cough syrup.

Divine_torture mentions heroin and other hard drugs as he’s proud to be into hard drugs. Shows you how hardcore he really his. He also likes fighting for money and has a good reputation in some random biker bars. I’m sure that will all matter a lot when his house is seized.

Mutantllama is tired, might go to bed.

Krig just took a big shit. Smelled nice.

Mutantllama is half in bed.

Krig just took a big shit again.

Mutantllama is in bed.

Mutantllama woke up.

Ozzman another attempt at random meme that’s been annoying for at least a month.

Krow bought another 6 shirts as they’re a lot more important than music. He has now 239 shirts and 7 cds.

Devesya Chaya posts in some random language because he’s cultural.

Dakryn post about some random retarded theory about the current political situation and make sure that we know that guns are essential for safety.

Dodens post a 10 page rebuttal to prove Darkyn wrong, but Dakryn only focuses on random lines that he takes out of context to argue with Dodens for the next 6 pages in the thread.

Krig posts some NRA propaganda or random news that shows you how guns are great and make sure to complain about liberals probably while taking a shit.

Apeofgod666 pops out of nowhere to make his discontent heard about missing forums for the crappy bands he likes.

Ben_t reads all this crap and wonder why he still comes here after all this time. He’ll be back in the future though when work gets quiet in order to read the same crap over again.