The Whining and Bitching Thread

Hey, jackass, I'm not perfect :lol: I'm very upset that I didn't know that. I know quite a bit, so that's irritating. I guess I spend too much time trying to figure out difficult things that maybe I miss some little things.
Fuck, my band cancelled today AGAIN. This is the last one and I'm out. We've accomplished nothing for a VERY long time. I'd rather just not be in a band than to be in a band just to say I'm in a band. How gay. Fuck.
My folk rock band here in Tampa has been on hiatus for fucking ever now. At first it was because we couldn't find a reliable drummer; but now it's because we have no place to practice. All of us live in apartments and all the practice studios around us are either booked on the days we can rehearse, or too fucking expensive. I'm graduating in December, so it looks like this might be it for us.

On the plus side, I've talked with a friend of mine from up north about forming a metal band.

Hey, let's make comments about the interest level of other posts while contributing nothing of worth anywhere else.

Oh, and you suck.

My bowels are still hurting. Mostly my stomach. I think I may actually be getting an ulcer. Ugh.
The last time I tried to watch "Discovering Ardi" my dad changed the channel, because he apparently doesn't believe in evolution and doesn't think it's worthwhile to watch science documentaries, nor does he respect my interest in the topic. Now I finally have a chance to watch it again because he's sleeping but he's snoring so loudly that I really have to struggle to hear it. I can't even turn it up because then my mom will wake up and tell me to turn it down because it's keeper her awake. Ironically, she has no trouble sleeping through my dad's snoring, which is much, much louder.