The Whining and Bitching Thread

The bible study group I attend said you couldn't get through problems without God. I reminded them that I am an Atheist (I go to the bible study to discuss philosophy, God is not always talked about) and said I tried to kill myself one time and I was put in a psychiatric hospital and got better. Admittedly, the entire 8 days I couldn't sleep and I stared at the ceiling every night going over the reasons I wanted to die over and over. And the only reason I couldn't off myself when I got discharged was because I was monitored by my parents a lot. Now I'm on the happy pills. Went through it all with no God.

Well that blows Andy. Go find yourself a hawt metal chick, :erk: there aren't any.

Lies. Seriously.
I dunno what I'm gonna do now really. Back to not caring or looking.

She's actually going to (kind of randomly) leave her family and go to Colorado to attend some kind of bible school there, apparently. Whatever. I hope she is happy, honestly. She's been through a lot in life and I'm glad she's found something to keep her sane and happy. Part of me regrets that that thing can't be me, but Jesus is in the business of saving people; I'm not.
She basically said she needs someone Christian. I didn't mind that she was. I may be atheist but I could put up with a Christian obviously if they didn't let it control their life. And she's letting it control hers, essentially. It's deeper than that but yeah basically.

I'm very sorry for you, Andy. It really frustrates me how religion can be so divisive in terms of human relationships, between lovers and family members.
You mean there are others out there besides SAO and Tara?

Yes. They just don't dress retarded.

I'm very sorry for you, Andy. It really frustrates me how religion can be so divisive in terms of human relationships, between lovers and family members.

Yeah. Seriously. My girl's parents don't like me for my Atheism when they haven't even met me. When me and her touch the subject of theology we never get heated, we stay logical. And we never let it between us.
I think my parents are afraid to remark on the fact that my girlfriend's an atheist. Another reason I think they suspect the same in my own case.

Then again I think my father's a closet atheist but keeps quiet to keep my mother happy.
I think my parents are afraid to remark on the fact that my girlfriend's an atheist. Another reason I think they suspect the same in my own case.

Then again I think my father's a closet atheist but keeps quiet to keep my mother happy.

I think the same of my father. I've heard bits and pieces of Atheistic attitude from him. Like whenever he goes on his rant about how stuff that is "just a theory" obviously works visibly.

edit: He also doesn't object or show any signs of frustration when I mention the paradoxes of God.
My father is a closet atheist. Today I told him about the whole situation and he goes "yeah, well I know some people like you and I don't believe, but it helps some people" etc. I was like "...awesome".
I love when you have that conversation with your friends and someone mentions Jesus and you're like guys I'm an Atheist and 3 or 4 of them are like yeah dude me too and there's that moment where you all connect and feel awesome together
Basically my post involved my girlfriend and I parting ways because I'm atheist and she's Christian.

Hey, that blows. Feel better, dude.

My girlfriend is actually a Christian. It's caused issues occasionally. Not in the sense that we argue over beliefs, because we don't really do that often (I really don't give two shits whether or not she's Christian.) She wants to be able to relate with me on a spiritual level or some shit like that. I don't really understand the need for that. I just wish she worshiped Odin or something, because if she really wants to be religious she should at least pick a religion that is more metal than Christianity.
I think I got an infection where one of my wisdom teeth got extracted. It feels swollen and it's giving me a slight headache. I thought I was beyond the point where I have to worry about an infection. I'll go to the doctor's tomorrow to see if they can give me any antibiotics.
Hey, that blows. Feel better, dude.

My girlfriend is actually a Christian. It's caused issues occasionally. Not in the sense that we argue over beliefs, because we don't really do that often (I really don't give two shits whether or not she's Christian.) She wants to be able to relate with me on a spiritual level or some shit like that. I don't really understand the need for that. I just wish she worshiped Odin or something, because if she really wants to be religious she should at least pick a religion that is more metal than Christianity.

Yeah, this is what happened with me. We didn't understand eachother and could not communicate on 'that' level that she feels causes love to flourish more, or something.