The Whining and Bitching Thread

The common people will always need sports to give them something unimportant to worry about while those who have brains run the show.
zabu of nΩd;10046218 said:
If a soccer game can ruin your day that much, idk how youre gonna survive life after college.

It was because of more than just the football game. None of you probably care, but it was about the death of football as I knew it. It marks the rise of a mercenary culture and the blessed rich owner who either "invests" in the club to rake profits or gets bored and buys a club for weekend entertainment.
When it comes to the people in my town, sometimes I feel like a sober man surrounded by drunks.

On the sports topic, I think dodgeball would be fun to watch :lol:
No matter how professional it would be, it would still remind me of the movie.
Meh. Maybe.

Anyways, I hate going to school with people whose parents buy them cars, or at least let them borrow one and pay their insurance while my family has an extra car no one uses and I'm forced to bike to school. Fuck this shit. At least I'll be out of the house soon anyway.
It was because of more than just the football game. None of you probably care, but it was about the death of football as I knew it. It marks the rise of a mercenary culture and the blessed rich owner who either "invests" in the club to rake profits or gets bored and buys a club for weekend entertainment.

Did the whole Chelsea-era just pass over your head or what the fuck? Or when the first million-pound transfers occured? Or the Galacticos of Real Madrid?
Did the whole Chelsea-era just pass over your head or what the fuck? Or when the first million-pound transfers occured? Or the Galacticos of Real Madrid?

The Galacticos were funded in a very very different way. Real Madrid have had such a large target audience and have always been the richest club in Europe, at least until not too long ago. Go read how they were funded.

Chelsea was an aberration at the time. Of course you've had the Blackburns of the world which would win a title thanks to the rich owner, but their funds would dry up and their unsustainable model would fail the fuck out. These owners have bottomless pits of wealth that shits on hard earned money with careful planning and foresight. It was pretty much just Chelsea 8 years ago, but now it's PSG, Malaga, Anzhi, Man City, probably QPR and many more.
Just randomly looked at metal archives for them again and thier status is changed to "On-Hold".

There was small talk of them finishing Planet Satan a while back and I talked to Mathias a few years ago and he did say something about having some synth parts done for tracks, but that the band was still looking "dead for the near future".
My mother goes on a psychotic rampage every time my dad goes on a business trip. I just called the police and told them about how she threatened to kill herself once because my sister didn't clean her room. Hopefully this could be the end of her crap, because I'm getting tired of her shit.