The Whining and Bitching Thread

The headache came back for revenge. Yeah. I definitely have a caffeine addiction. I'd have 2+ cups of coffee each morning. Whatevs. I'm Colombian. I can shake it. Glory to the coffee people.

Luckily for me I don't have an addictive personality at all, I stopped drinking coffee altogether. When I did drink coffee I had to make it incredibly strong, so to that one cup probably equaled 3 cups' worth of coffee, literally. I really didn't care about the caffeine or whatever effects you might get from coffee, I simply drank it because loved the taste of coffee.
I don't have an addictive personality, either. I've been able to chain smoke really sporadically. I think I developed more of a dependency on caffeine, and combined with my proneness to headaches, it really hit me hard.
I have to take my morning dump really badly AND MY ROOMMATE IS IN THE SHOWER goddammit.

Shit on the floor and kick it under the door.
That rhymed....

On the topic of coffee: I could drink it all day and all it seems to do is calm me down more. Shit doesn't give me energy.
I found coffee to be relaxing also, rather than energizing. I think most people exaggerate the effects of coffee. I think a lot of people could probably drink a caffeine-free coffee and still claim to be buzzing with energy, as I do think it's partially a mental thing. I don't really hear people claim to be full of energy after drinking pop or tea, not that it has as much caffeine but still...And besides, I think the coffee most people drink is very weak anyways, whether they make it themselves or buy from Tim Hortons or wherever. I never added sugar but I wonder if that makes a difference, like what sort of relationship does caffeine and sugar undergo when mixed together?
I don't think sugar increases energy. The only reaction I've ever had from sugary drinks was a sedating one, even when the drinks had caffeine. I never get any buzz from coffee unless I drink a lot.
I think sugar leads to crashes more than anything. I find the combo of caffeine + sugar (which most people seem to add to their coffee) rather interesting that so many people claim it to be energizing. Maybe it's all the bad chemicals and junk that are added to coffee that make people so addicted and perceive it to be more that what it is.
I'd say it's the power of suggestion. I remember reading that people can pretty much develop an immunity to the stimulating effects of caffeine in about a month of daily use. I think it eventually only works as a placebo effect and becomes a dependency that can be detrimental.
Well caffeine is a psychoactive drug, and like many drugs, you build up a tolerance, and if you stop taking it, then you go into withdrawal (not the case for all, but for many).
Argh, so I work for (writing and photographing) UNLV's newspaper the Rebel Yell, but I interviewed for and got offered the position of Assistant Director of Creative Technology (basically interwebs shit), but since the position is in the student government, and since the student government funds The Rebel Yell, I can't have a job with both... :erk:
That's a contradiction - a feeling of being energized IS alertness, and usually mental focus as well.

That being said, caffeine is xanthine, which acts on the neurotransmitter adenosine, which in turn acts as an inhibitor of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. Since xanthine/caffeine is an antagonist at adenosine, adenosine inhibits much less of earlier mentioned drugs. Dopamine generally involves the brains pleasure/reward areas, norepinephrine which involves wakefulness and appetite, and epinephrine, which is also known as adrenaline.
zabu of nΩd;10081924 said:
So what is adenosine supposed to do?

Adenosine regulates/inhibits the catecholamines - dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines also act on catecholamines, but not through adenosine (at least I'm pretty sure not).
It also increases irritability and stress levels. I was just in the car for fourteen hours with my family after drinking like four cups of coffee, and them merely speaking to each other pissed me off.

Edit: Was totally mega-ninja'd.
Well there are two servings in a small 5 hour bottle (iirc), but yeah I feel the same. My heart rate goes up quite a bit and I feel pretty uncomfortable for the first 30-60 minutes, but it does keep me awake. I've only had some a couple times. I'm quite tolerant to lower/normal doses of caffeine though. I can drink a soda (which averages 70mg of caffeine I think) 30-40 minutes before falling asleep without a problem.