The Whining and Bitching Thread

Last time I did a 5 hour I worked a closing shift, went home, couldn't sleep, went back in to work at 5 am, and downed one of those. Felt fucking amazing.
Grrr, week from hell, got in a major fight with my mother, guy nailed my Mustang Bullitt, my grandfather died, and still have no car. Screw 5 hour, I want some vodka. lol
My family is annoying. Fuck Thanksgiving. For me it's pretty much the holiday where my family drives a super long distance so everyone can annoy each other.
We're the only country that puts ourselves through this tortuous ritual. Of course, having 3 generations living in the same house like some countries could be like thanksgiving all year.

Not necessarily. I'm half Hispanic, and in Hispanic culture, people are less individualistic, more family-oriented, and a lot more loving in general. It's not weird for Hispanics to hang out with siblings as one would do with a friend, whereas here each sibling tends to have its own set of friends. I may be wrong about that last part, being that I didn't grow up in a completely American household, but I think that generally in Hispanic culture families get along better because they tend to bond more.

I'm not saying Hispanic culture is better. I actually think the lack of individualism is shitty. I got that "you are embarrassing the famiry!!!" lecture a lot growing up when my siblings and I did anything slightly embarrassing that (American) kids normally do in public. My Hispanic mother didn't seem to get that causing embarrassment isn't a family activity in this country.
Flying home for thanksgiving tomorrow. It's nice to have some distance from my family, but I'm glad to be there at thanksgiving this year.
I put in fucking Amesoeurs, Portishead, Dead Can Dance, and The xx in Pandora and yet almost everything I get is Metal. Nothing against Metal, but I go to Pandora for chill music.
I've been smoking this one kind every night for about a year now. The previous chemical got banned, it was much harsher. Me and my other friends that are using it (and have been using longer than I) keep in touch about it and we haven't noticed any side effects or withdrawl symptoms yet. We're being the guinea pigs. From what we've experienced it seems to be up to how the users body handles it.

This kind called LOL is what i've been smoking.
Before that it was in this order:
K2 - (had a mini siezure, threw up, wierd anxiety/dreamlike high)
Red rhino - (Dreamlike high, noticable heart racing, kinda feel like you're on cocaine)
Mr. Smiley - (taste nastier than shit, smoother kind of high, threw up, mostly because of taste)
Stoopid - (Holy fucking shit. Stuff makes you Stoopid. Almost hallucinogenic. Threw up multiple times. Usually after a cigarette kicked the high up. Wasn't so much the taste as it was "Holy shit I'm high...blaaaaaahh") I still like this stuff in small quantities.
All of the above seem to be harsher than LOL so far.

Now Bath salts (think fake cocaine) are hell. That shit is really bad for your body. You don't feel healthy while doing it. I did a lot of it, stopped, and am still fine. My friend over did a bunch of it (He's one of those guys) and now has an irregular heart beat and anxiety issues. I know someone else whos friend over did it and died. The point here being don't over do shit, especially when it isn't that well known.
There's this girl I know and holy fuck is she boring. I've know her for about 4 years and she still only ever really does silly chit chat about shite. I can never get her to either open up or have a discussion/argument. I can't be bothered to hang out with her any more. Bollocks.
I think she's a bit one dimensional. She's regarded as attractive by most men I've met so I suppose she's used to men drooling over her and her not having to say much. I find her too child-like in appearance.
My family is annoying. Fuck Thanksgiving. For me it's pretty much the holiday where my family drives a super long distance so everyone can annoy each other.

Yea, my family has been fighting for a couple months now and I'm trying not to be a part of it. So far so good. lol