The Whining and Bitching Thread

I'm only doing French and Chinese this semester. I was going to do Arabic and Korean, too, but one was full and one was canceled.
I don't know why I'm so pissed about my ex's new boyfriend, maybe because she kept hinting for so long that she wanted to get back together with me and never told me that she wasn't interested in doing so anymore, even as I hinted again and again that I was. Smoking a couple joints a few minutes ago just made me feel more aggressive. I don't know if I'm more mad at her or myself. Give me something to break, bro.
Went and saw Karma To Burn last night. They were pretty badass but I gotta be honest...they had it turned up WAY too loud for the Star Bar which is this tiny little place that you could just about hit the band with an empty beer can from the door. That and 90% of the people there didn't even seem to be into the music but were standing around talking and goofing around the whole time. Seriously, who pays $8 admission and $5 a beer to stand around and yell at each other over the music? FFS go chill at someone's house and buy cheap beer.

I feel I'm more and more turned off by metal culture between stupid shit like this, the dumbass hairstyles/clothing/tattoos, and a general disinterest in the music itself. Morons are using it more as a lifestyle than actual music appreciation.

Metal is part of an established sub culture(s). I try to avoid the exclusive subcultures that go along with my various personal past times and preferences, mainly due to the fact that I am ill at ease around people who are insecure in themselves and seeking validation in an established subculture.
I don't know why I'm so pissed about my ex's new boyfriend, maybe because she kept hinting for so long that she wanted to get back together with me and never told me that she wasn't interested in doing so anymore, even as I hinted again and again that I was. Smoking a couple joints a few minutes ago just made me feel more aggressive. I don't know if I'm more mad at her or myself. Give me something to break, bro.

Put on Limp Bizkit's Break Stuff and dance wildly around the apartment.
This is what my boss is like.


Her and one of the female minions were having a horrible screeching cat fight today. Urgh.
There are way too many cop shows. And they're inaccurate to a ridiculous degree. I know it helps to bend the rules in order to create drama, but they do it so much that it makes things predictable.
How is having no friends wearing you down? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

You'd be surprised. I guess it's different if they actually hang out with you. My friends have either moved, stopped returning my calls/texts or got pissed off when I told them I was pissed off about something they did and stopped talking to me. As a result, I spend most weekends by myself or with my parents.
That's happened to me before. Telling a friend that they pissed me off, only to have them stop talking to me. It's fucked up.
That's happened to me before. Telling a friend that they pissed me off, only to have them stop talking to me. It's fucked up.

I really don't understand it. I'm the type of person who would rather be confronted about shit so we could work it out like adults instead of acting like fucking children and not venting our problems to the people who caused them. I guess Frank Zappa was right when he said that life is like high school with money.
my dad's a federal agent and has watched pretty much every cop show in existence. He said the only show that has ever come close to really capturing what police and federal agents do is The Wire, specifically season 1. It's one of his favorite shows
It's not strictly a cop show either though. Every season has a main focus; law enforcement (s1), unions (s2), politics (s3), schools (s4), and the media (s5). The show deals with the general incompetence of all these institutions in Baltimore (but it's supposed to apply to any major American city, I guess). Of course, mixed in with this is the everyday street life of those at the bottom of the food chain, and you get to follow them as the perpetual victims of a failing system.

Just an incredible show overall, but sadly it doesn't get the attention it deserves.