The Whining and Bitching Thread

zabu of nΩd;9927642 said:
You should really try to make fewer stupid posts, it is a bit excessive.

The problem with this is that naturally I don't deem my own posts stupid. In that case I wouldn't post them. So it's all back to opinions, and they're always subjective. Surely you must understand this.
Cyth: the one thing I've learned from working in a university is this...things move horrendously slow. If they tell you Monday, expect it to be Friday.
I've been thinking about doing that. Is that generally a good thing to do? I haven't done many interviews in my life. Most of the time I've gotten jobs because I've known the right people or I had enough experience in the particular job that the employer didn't even see a need to interview me.

Yeah i think as long as you don't call back too early or sound pushy when you call back, it's generally a good thing to show them you really care about the opening. Maybe they'll interpret it as a sign of initiative too, which is always a good quality for an employee.
Cyth: the one thing I've learned from working in a university is this...things move horrendously slow. If they tell you Monday, expect it to be Friday.

This really applies anywhere unless they really need someone immediately.

Cyth: You should usually call back if you have waited the alotted time frame and they haven't responded to you. I usually wait an extra day or two though.
My best friend throughout middle school and high school's dad was shot and killed by my friend's oldest brother today.

Goddamnit I remember that guy cheering for me when I played little league. I has a sad.
Cyth: the one thing I've learned from working in a university is this...things move horrendously slow. If they tell you Monday, expect it to be Friday.

Even worse with the french. Everybody is equipped with supercomputers, yet everything is bizarrely done on paper. o_O
Didn't realize that I switched shifts with someone else and ended up coming in four hours earlier then I needed to.
FACK I'm still really drunk from last night and I have to do all my moving stuff today because I put it off until the last minute GODDANGIT!
What happened?

I'm not really sure. I talked to him for a long time today... and he was just... what you might expect. He said over the past 4 months, his brother quickly became a different person. Someone his family just didnt know. He was asleep in a chair... and he walked in with a revolver (his dads revolver, ironically) and shot him three times, once in the stomach, once in the shoulder, then through the heart.

The family... is just in ruins. The guy who died has a daughter that's 9 months pregnant, his son that killed him has a wife that's 5 weeks pregnant...

And that leaves ryan to take care of his mom and his dad's businesses. (he's 22) I cant even imagine... the world falling directly onto your shoulders... your dad is gone, your brother is effectively gone... and he says his nephew that was their neighbor will be moving away now so he's losing him too... how you could ever begin to handle that.
So a guy at work got promoted to a "junior manager" position on my team to replace someone, and what they essentially do is just help the rest of us with any problems/questions that come up throughout the day and take escalations from customers who want to speak with a manager.

The only problem here is this guy has only been here 3-4 months longer than I have. Undoubtedly he knows more than I do, but everyone else in this position has been here for 3+ years and really knows their shit. And when I go to my manager or the other junior manager this guy always cuts me off at the pass and wants to help me with my problem, but I'm intentionally trying to bypass him because I know chances are he won't know the answer and I don't want to keep the customer on hold while he fumbles around for the answer and just goes right to the manager like I was going to in the first place.

The shitty thing about it is that he really is a good guy, I like him quite a bit, and he is certainly trying. But sheesh, he's dragging my stats down and annoying me to boot because 80% of the time he ends up playing Mr. Middleman.
So a guy at work got promoted to a "junior manager" position on my team to replace someone, and what they essentially do is just help the rest of us with any problems/questions that come up throughout the day and take escalations from customers who want to speak with a manager.

The only problem here is this guy has only been here 3-4 months longer than I have. Undoubtedly he knows more than I do, but everyone else in this position has been here for 3+ years and really knows their shit. And when I go to my manager or the other junior manager this guy always cuts me off at the pass and wants to help me with my problem, but I'm intentionally trying to bypass him because I know chances are he won't know the answer and I don't want to keep the customer on hold while he fumbles around for the answer and just goes right to the manager like I was going to in the first place.

The shitty thing about it is that he really is a good guy, I like him quite a bit, and he is certainly trying. But sheesh, he's dragging my stats down and annoying me to boot because 80% of the time he ends up playing Mr. Middleman.

Welcome to corporate!
Went and saw Karma To Burn last night. They were pretty badass but I gotta be honest...they had it turned up WAY too loud for the Star Bar which is this tiny little place that you could just about hit the band with an empty beer can from the door. That and 90% of the people there didn't even seem to be into the music but were standing around talking and goofing around the whole time. Seriously, who pays $8 admission and $5 a beer to stand around and yell at each other over the music? FFS go chill at someone's house and buy cheap beer.

I feel I'm more and more turned off by metal culture between stupid shit like this, the dumbass hairstyles/clothing/tattoos, and a general disinterest in the music itself. Morons are using it more as a lifestyle than actual music appreciation.
I'm facing a little difficulty in learning French. When I hear/read a word, my brain automatically cross-references it with English, Spanish, and Latin and 90% of the time I understand it, so my brain is like "well, fuck it, if you can understand it, then why bother remembering the spelling or pronunciation?" I'm still learning, but not as fast as I usually do with languages.