The Whining and Bitching Thread

Everyone is constantly complaining that it's rained near every day this July.

I love it.

I mean everyone seems to have forgotten that April/May/early June were all near as hot as it generally averages in July/August and that it really didn't rain much at all then, but that's because they're all fucking idiots.

I fucking hate stupid people.
@A1a23: If you'd stay outside for more than a few minutes and get used to the temperature it wouldn't be so bad. When you're coming from inside, where I presume you have AC, of course it's going to feel unbearable.
How the fuck does the History Channel get away with doing all this hideous pseudo-academic (and sometimes not academic at all) bullshit? "Apocalypse Island" is on right now, and it's about the possibility that an artifact and monument found on a remote island could somehow offer clues to the 2012 apocalypse. There was a quite racist portrayal of a Mayan male exhausting himself before a fire, impaling his penis with a wooden spear-point, wrapping paper around the bloody wound and then burning the paper. From the smoke of the burning paper, apparently they could commune with the gods.

Interesting, okay; but ridiculous when the dude at the center of the episode actually believes all this (which he does). The entire voyage that the episode focuses on is based around the possibility that all this bullshit is actually true.
Fuck the history channel, and fuck basically every other 'factual' channel.

The best factual shows here always come outa the BBC and Channel 4 and even they're slowly dumbing shit down for the average person.

Stuff like Horizon used to be fairly decent, and in general factual/documentary shows made over here seemed to be less pedantic and repetitious than what I saw from the US but that's all changing and now shit fucking sucks.

Watching things like the TTC lectures >>>>> spoon fed TV bullshit aimed at the common TV barnacle.

God bless
How the fuck does the History Channel get away with doing all this hideous pseudo-academic (and sometimes not academic at all) bullshit? "Apocalypse Island" is on right now, and it's about the possibility that an artifact and monument found on a remote island could somehow offer clues to the 2012 apocalypse. There was a quite racist portrayal of a Mayan male exhausting himself before a fire, impaling his penis with a wooden spear-point, wrapping paper around the bloody wound and then burning the paper. From the smoke of the burning paper, apparently they could commune with the gods.

Interesting, okay; but ridiculous when the dude at the center of the episode actually believes all this (which he does). The entire voyage that the episode focuses on is based around the possibility that all this bullshit is actually true.

They had a show on yesterday that attempted to establish the link between major natural disasters and interference by aliens. This was all wrapped up with presenting the works of Zecharia Sitchin as being factual and true. They also interviewed Erich von Däniken. At no point did they ever interview anyone who was critical of the ancient astronaut theory.
The History Channel has been pissing me off for a few years now. They really went down the tubes. These days the National Geographic Channel has some pretty decent stuff when they're not playing that show with that fruitcake who teaches dogs to behave. PBS World is pretty good too (yeah, that's right, I like public television.)
The History Channel has been pissing me off for a few years now. They really went down the tubes. These days the National Geographic Channel has some pretty decent stuff when they're not playing that show with that fruitcake who teaches dogs to behave. PBS World is pretty good too (yeah, that's right, I like public television.)

Yeah, that guy who teaches dogs to behave, Cesar Milano or whatever his name is... my mother watches that show all the time. It's horrible.