Try shutting your big ass mouth and minding your own business.
Bitching about the quality of one's ancestors and their history and starting arguments about it reminds me of a lamer version of that Real Housewives shit. They bring up shit from the past that doesn't matter, but at least it's the same people. It's one thing to define someone by the actions in their past, but to say shit because of their ancestors. That's just dumb.
Has your dumb ass ever figured out how to respond to a lame joke without being a complete and utter freak about it? It's something you might want to look into.
Bitching about the quality of one's ancestors and their history and starting arguments about it reminds me of a lamer version of that Real Housewives shit. They bring up shit from the past that doesn't matter, but at least it's the same people. It's one thing to define someone by the actions in their past, but to say shit because of their ancestors. That's just dumb.
Having one of your fuck buddies beg you for sex when you're ill, and then after you've capitulated saying nothing for a few days before 'LOL I'M PREGNANT' just isn't cool.
Thank niggerjesus she was joking.
I've spoken to you on msn for ages in the past and you're basically a white, black supremacist. You study statistics on dating and get upset by any results that show white women selecting against black men. You MEH any mention of sins of the barbary pirates, ottoman empire and the moors but whine like a motherfucker about the Conquistadores and slave triangle.
I've spoken to you on msn for ages in the past and you're basically a white, black supremacist. You study statistics on dating and get upset by any results that show white women selecting against black men. You MEH any mention of sins of the barbary pirates, ottoman empire and the moors but whine like a motherfucker about the Conquistadores and slave triangle.