The Whining and Bitching Thread


So I was talking to krampus on Facebook Monday night and mentioned my throat was a little sore. I wake up Tuesday morning sicker than a dog; cold sweats, dizziness, couldn't hard speak, etc. I called into work and told my boss I wasn't coming in. He made the smartass comment that I may be pregnant. So after hanging up on him I go and ready my hangover cure to see if it will work for this sickness; chug a hot toddy and wrap myself in a shit load of blankets and sweat it out. I wake up 6 hours later feeling like a million bucks, but my throat has been sore ever since. wtfffffffff
Whenever I have problems sleeping I like to put on some early Norwegian BM on moderately low volume. There's something about the grainy repetitiveness that helps me sleep. Plus listening to music diverts your mind from constantly thinking "fuck I can't sleep".
Music is my caffeine, I have never been able to fall asleep to music. I'll just lie there and take it all in and analyze it musically...I tried to fall asleep to the classical station for a while but I kept staying up until three or four because they'd play an awesome piece, usually a long symphony and I would listen to the whole thing. That's another caveat to my listening habits, if there's anything that I like that I hear on the radio I'll do anything to be able to finish it, whether I'm in the car, with friends, at home etc. It's not a terrible thing, but it's an interesting idiosyncrasy
I tend to sleep less well here in Bangor because my house is a looney bin. I'm almost in the habit of drinking every night just to be able to fall asleep quickly.
You have AIDS

I want to roll around in those sweaty blankets after you've been sweating in them

yous a dirty bitch, i rike

i'm sick of turning on CNN and seeing this Casey Anthony slut day after day. when i turn on the news i want to see news. okay, she (maybe) killed her daughter, but how many times a day do you think this happens in america and around the world and goes unnoticed? it's a fucking spectacle, a made for tv drama. what about all the fucking libyan kids we're blowing up with rockets? this is a news story
I haven't been sleeping well too for the last couple of months. I wake up like 6-7 times at night and trying to get back to sleep is just difficult.
Unfortunately I had to close the window so various insect doesn‘t disturb me here. This will make me sweat. On a brighter side, I‘m learning botany, drinking a very heavy red wine and listening to a Graveland demo.