The Whining and Bitching Thread


I live in Arizona and it is definitely not neutral here. I would kill for it to be in the 70s over here. In fact, we'd all love for there to be some rain over here. In AZ, putting the words "shitty" and "rain" in the same sentence is like blasphemy.

I work with a guy from AZ and he whines like a bitch at the humidity here. :D
In Maine we are allowed to bitch about the heat because to us 75 is a hot day and we can stay inside so we don't have to deal with tourists clogging up the state with their fanny packs and asking where the diet cokes are at a health food store and getting mad because we don't carry it when there are other stores that carry it right across the street.
It gets pretty bad here sometimes. it was 95 friday and 80% humidity. Bank sign thermometers were reading 115~118. Where I work sent everyone home it was so bad.
I hate fucking beer when I have to wake up in the morning. If I have one, like I did, it will put me to sleep and I will do nothing more now. If I have three, I will be up now and pretend I‘m still preparing for tommorow‘s exam but it will infact only cause a shitty waking tommorow. If I have more, which would probably happen if I had those three, I wouldn‘t wake up at all. So I only had one and now I‘m lying in bed feeling shitty about myself.
It's about 30 C here and humid. Not very interesting.

I'm so sad about leaving. I left everything to the super last minute so I have no time to properly digest what's happening. Tomorrow I am getting up at like 5 am to go to the immigration office, where I will blow 40 bucks on getting a paltry week-long visa extension so I can exit the country.

I've had a farewell party every single day for the past week. Gotten tons of gifts and have hardly had to pay for any of it. Why do all these people care about me?

The only upside to all this is that all the nonstop celebrating is making me fat, so I'll be really excited about going to the gym when I move back.
I'm starting to get really stressed out about that job interview I did last week. I haven't gotten a reply from them yet. Granted, they said "We'll get back to you in a week or so" and today marked exactly a week since I did the interview, but despite that I'm wondering what's going on. I know exactly who I'm competing with and I never had much confidence that I would get this job in the first place; those other folks are perfectly capable in my opinion. It would just be sort of annoying not to get this job, since I'll end up being a walking cliche, namely one of those people with an advanced degree in philosophy who delivers your pizzas. If I don't get this job I'll just have to accept some prole work. I really want to make some money and move to a better part of the Phoenix metro area (I still have a buttload of savings though.) In the meantime I better start putting together some applications for PhD programs. I feel like I probably have things to look forward to in my life, but right now I feel like I'm stuck in limbo.
zabu of nΩd;9927642 said:
Call the employer back tomorrow or friday.

I've been thinking about doing that. Is that generally a good thing to do? I haven't done many interviews in my life. Most of the time I've gotten jobs because I've known the right people or I had enough experience in the particular job that the employer didn't even see a need to interview me.