The Whining and Bitching Thread

I am so tired of being blamed for racism, just because I'm white! A white man can't call a black person a "my pals" but they call each other that. How does that make any sense? It's hypocritical. I don't like it when black people hate on white rappers - I'm not a rapper myself, I'm a metal dude, but still it's freaking racist! So what - just ignore the reality of Vanilla Ice AND The Beastie Boys and treat white people badly just because they wanna bust a rhyme? AND BY THE DOG-BANGIN' WAY! Eminem is NOT the first white rapper, nor is he the best of them. The Beastie Boys got into hip hop and rap in what - maybe 1979-1980? Somewhere around that time. It REALLY pisses me off when people act like Eminem is so special just because he's a white man that raps. That's just stupid. Everybody seems to have forgotten about Vanilla Ice, the guy who made that song, "Ice Ice Babey."

Being white does not mean that I couldn't or shouldn't get into hip hop or rap if I wanted to - I don't, but that's just because I love metal! It's not because I'm white. Being white also does not mean I'm racist!

This is the sort of thing that happens regularly: A black person sees some white guys listening to "black" music - hip hop and rap, (which history will show is not truly any more "black" then it is "white" or "yellow" or whatever), gets pissed off, gets on their cases and calls them "wiggers." And then he's got the audacity to go around calling white people, "whiteboy," "whitey," "cracker," "honkey," or whatever...(and we can't call them "my pals"? Oh wait! I forgot; my ancestors two hundred years ago were racist slave-owners, and somehow I'm guilty for it...yeah, right).

I am not racist. I don't think that all black people are racist either; I have plenty of really awesome black friends. I don't give a fuck. I have absolutely no white guilt and if that bothers any racist bigots out there, regardless of their skin color, then this is what I say to them: :hahamiddlefinger:

Since when do black people care that whites listen to hip hop/rap? At least 70% of white people listen to that music, usually exclusively, too. I have never came across this, but I have came across people insulting me for listening to metal, or as most ignorant people say, "screamo" or "Satan's music"
This is pretty ridiculous and cliche. You say people hate white rappers and then go on to say you don't know why everyone loves Eminem because he's not that good. The fact that you've named at least 4 famous white rap artists who were white in your post just really cancels out your entire argument of whites not being able to get into rap...

Have you never been to a hip hop concert? A few friends of mine went to a Gza concert recently and told me there were more white people at those shows than at a metal show. Look up who listens to hip hop/rap music, and you'll be surprised that the genre is saturated with white fans. Who cares, though.

Anyways, I'm hungry and was planning on going out tonight but thought I'd better save up my money these next few weeks for merch at MDF :]

White people being bad at rap was never my argument. I am against the idea that a person's skin color influences their musical capabilities in any way. :hahamiddlefinger: to that. I do consider Eminem to be not a very good rapper though. The Beastie Boys were freakin' epic! And ICP is pretty skilled too.
Since when do black people care that whites listen to hip hop/rap? At least 70% of white people listen to that music, usually exclusively, too. I have never came across this, but I have came across people insulting me for listening to metal, or as most ignorant people say, "screamo" or "Satan's music"

Maybe it's just where I grew up...

Any time a white person was caught listening to hip hop or rap the black people gave him/her a real hassle. It happened a lot.
I had a bout with it on the first hit of warm weather. Seems to have eased though. I think the worst thing for me is oak, which hasn't quite started yet.
Allergies are so annoying. For me they don't consist of the regular sinuses but of random nose bleeds every now and then... blah.

Though, I'm really liking that it's warmer now since my room didn't have heat the entire winter.
I live in an attic and apparently it's hard to get the heat working in attics. To be honest, I don't know anything about that kind of stuff, and I rent a room from my mom (who also doesn't know anything about that kind of stuff) so didn't want to bug her too much about it.

Winter sucked though, ha.