Here is a story that happened two months ago:
So, I was forced (for theatre class) to get up at 5:30 in the fucking morning for four days in a row (two of which were the weekend) to perform a stupid play at some theatre conference and then go to boring "theatre workshops". Well, the first day, I lost my money and had no food, until someone was kind enough to give me some money. (I paid it back)
The next day, I had money to get food, but guess what- I drink at least five Mountain Dew's and other sodas with caffeine in them a day, and I am addicted to it. (Caffeine addiction is possible) If I don't drink caffeine for a while, I get a headache, I am tired, and I feel spaced out and "off". Well, I hadn't had a soda in two days, and I was just dying for one. The stupid theatre teacher decided not to take us for dinner (only lunch), so I felt out of luck. Well, I said "I'm trying for a soda with caffeine, and I'm also a bit hungry". It took some convincing, but we finally decided to have a "light dinner" at Starbucks- they have caffeinated sodas (and coffee, which I don't like that much). Well, Starbucks was too crowded, so we decided to go to some shitty, cutesy "coffee house". I was excited to finally be able to get a soda, but then, guess what. I saw their pathetic fucking "collection" of half drunk Coke bottles, complete with a covering of dust. There were two diet Cokes, two Coke Zeros, and one real Coke. I asked the register lady if they had Pepsi products or Coke products. Well, clearly, they had Coke products. I hate Coke products. I really only like Pepsi products. The theatre class was seated happily behind me drinking coffee, and looking at me funny. I was noticeably pissed off. I asked the lady at the register for a Coke, but then she said these dreaded words "Is diet okay?". I then said, "no, I only like real sodas"
She said "we have water if that's okay". I was thirsty as fuck, so I said "fine". Well, I paid however much, let's say two dollars for a $1.75 bottle of water. I got my change, opened the water, took a few sips, and then counted my change. She had given me something and twenty cents. was entitled to something and twenty five cents. I know this sounds small and pointless, but I was too pissed off to think properly at this point. I had another sip of the "water". I then yelled "this is terrible". It wasn't water, it was more of what I would call "plastic tea". It tasted like plastic. I was pissed off, cursing under my breath, and my fists were clenched hard. Someone in my theatre class was kind enough to offer me five cents, I accepted it, but I said "I don't want her to have my money. She dosen't deserve random people's money." The theatre teacher said "she probably just put it in the tip jar". Actually, before I paid, she asked me for extra money. I said "no". I went back to the counter, waited for a few seconds, but no one was there. I then whined and bitched about the incident on the way back to the hotel hosting the "conference".
I am still pissed about this. Five cents may sound small, but I don't think someone should just take anything from me when I clearly said "no". My dad picked when the conference was over, and took me by a 7-Eleven to get a Mountain Dew and some chips.
I just didn't go to this thing on the weekend days. Actually, I may have gone on Saturday, I don't know. The next week, I officially dropped out of theatre. I fucking hated theatre.