She was actually quite mad at me at first, and didn't think her mother was being unreasonable at the time. She was looking forward to Chinese food for awhile, and was willing to settle for her mothers terms, simply because she was hungry.How does your girlfriend feel about all of this?
I mean, I understand that she is her mother, so she is going to be a bit more forgiving. But don't expect me to be.If I think the mother is being shitty, I'll tell her right to her face.
View attachment 3168 That's right. Let's not go there ok Krow, jk I don't care enough about either to argue these days can I offer you a pic of my grandmother holding a signed Revenge LP as a peace offering.
But then later she apologized, so we split on "Dinner For Two" for just her and I, and I went and picked it up. And now rather than getting significantly less food than we should have gotten, we have leftovers for tomorrow. Whammo.
I've started standing firm lately and showing a lot of resolve, and I think it is working. I don't take her mother's bullshit lately.
Omg. @Carpe Mortem if there was ever a time we needed your shitty Photoshopping skills now would be it. I demand a dick in that hand. Make it happen.
NSFW. Don't call them shitty again, or your baby girl is getting bukkaked. I'm working with limited resources and time here.
Sorry about your grandma SFK. Bad way to find out, I know.
I think it was supposed to go in the other hand
How often do you see the mom? I'm kinda of the opinion that if its a few times a year, just make the lady happy, even if she's being a cunt. Scores huge points that you stomach it. It does seem she's a regular part of your lives though.
Yikes. He sounds like a major shitlord. Good thing he isn't around anymore though.Coolest grandma ever.
The Butt, that's awesome you stand up to that. What a shitty thing to do. She should pay for his share of she wanted him to eat Chinese food that bad.
I've been lucky in terms of partners' parents. My boyfriends mom constantly texts me sweet and inspiring quotes and stuff on a day to day basis. I'm glad she's not with his stepfather anymore though. He is this big fat, loud mouth, old school New Yorker Italian, who constantly has to show how much of a man he is. If people looked at him wrong on the street he'd want to fight them. And he's a big racist and homophobe too. Epitome of douche. My boyfriends mom is actually bisexual and their son is gay. Funny how life works.
I don't know if this is a dumb question or not, but is there Chinese food in Sweden?