The Whining and Bitching Thread

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Getting to be really done with my roommate. I'm glad we won't be roommates anymore at the end of March.

We use his living room tv because... y'know... its the living room tv right? And his dishes because they're fucking dishes.

Apparently that's a valid excuse to steal food from us without asking, despite my asking him literally about twenty times to fucking ask first. Food we work hard to pay for, while he sits on his ass collecting disability and boozing every second day. I just had my last three slices of mock chicken disappear, that I was going to use for sandwiches for my work lunch today. Now I have to spend more money to buy lunch, when I could have brought a lunch with me.

And when I told him tonight to fucking ask first, he said "stop using my shit then". Is he fucked in the head? His tv and dishes don't have to be replaced after every use. Our food does.

Then he said "if I asked you would have said no". Who the fuck uses this as serious justification for stealing from someone?
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None tbh. Been firing away calls to prospective places but nobody wants to rent to us because of our low income.

No luck on the "second job" front either.
Today at lunch, I was at an outdoor table joking around with a bunch of people. Well, this guy was eating canned sausage (came in a can with water). He poured it in a small fruit cup type vessel and told me to drink it. I thought about it, but it smelled terrible. He was holding it in front of my face, so I took my hand and slapped it out. It then spilled all over the person next to us and got onto his nice Abercrombie and Fitch school clothes. He shoved me, I shoved him back, and then he went to the office to tell the principal. He came back in short gym shorts. While in biology class, the principal came to get me, but the teacher kept me in, as luckily I was in the middle of a test. At the end of class, I ran out fast to my parents car, as it was the last class of the day. On my way out, I ran into the principal. She is quite intimidating. Well, I just ran as fast as I could and made it to the car. I'm safe for now, but what about tomorrow? What pisses me off the most about this is the fact that the guy actually told the principal. Really, it's kind of the wimpy. It's just sausage water, nothing dangerous. It will dry.

That said, I didn't do anything wrong. I was not intending to get this innocent bystander wet. But he isn't innocent anymore...

I don't think I should have laughed, but it is funny when someone's Abercrombie and Fitch pants look like they just got pissed.

I do not believe in indirect consequences. They are bullshit. Any punishment should be given right then and there, by the victim.
Today at lunch, I was at an outdoor table joking around with a bunch of people. Well, this guy was eating canned sausage (came in a can with water). He poured it in a small fruit cup type vessel and told me to drink it. I thought about it, but it smelled terrible. He was holding it in front of my face, so I took my hand and slapped it out. It then spilled all over the person next to us and got onto his nice Abercrombie and Fitch school clothes. He shoved me, I shoved him back, and then he went to the office to tell the principal. He came back in short gym shorts. While in biology class, the principal came to get me, but the teacher kept me in, as luckily I was in the middle of a test. At the end of class, I ran out fast to my parents car, as it was the last class of the day. On my way out, I ran into the principal. She is quite intimidating. Well, I just ran as fast as I could and made it to the car. I'm safe for now, but what about tomorrow? What pisses me off the most about this is the fact that the guy actually told the principal. Really, it's kind of the wimpy. It's just sausage water, nothing dangerous. It will dry.

That said, I didn't do anything wrong. I was not intending to get this innocent bystander wet. But he isn't innocent anymore...

I don't think I should have laughed, but it is funny when someone's Abercrombie and Fitch pants look like they just got pissed.

I do not believe in indirect consequences. They are bullshit. Any punishment should be given right then and there, by the victim.

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Total bastards just turned up and started tearing up the road outside my bedroom window at 7am. I only have one job on in the morning and just wanna sleeeeeeep. Looking very much like my avatar atm
Officially back on the 74 hour minimum work week. Fuuuuckin tax season. I'd bitch less if I wasn't also working nearly that much during the broker dealer change.

Tell you what, my boss better be grooming me to be his second in command because I'm the only other person there who works both sides of the business.
My school is tight about this kind of stuff. The funny thing is, if someone insults me or throws something at me, the school doesn't give a shit. However, if I insult someone or throw something at someone, I have just blasphemized against my "true kind self" that they think they see, and that my real self, whom they rarely see, needs to be nailed to the fucking cross.
I feel trapped in the wrong body. I fucking hate it. Trapped in the wrong body, and in the wrong circumstances, in the wrong world. I have a huge ego. I am God. But, sadly, because everyone teams up here and plays God, I can't rise to my true role and potential in this universe. The universe was created by me, for me. Nothing else. All of you people, I respect you all. It's just that you were created at my rise to the throne in the year 2000. All of your existence before there is false and implanted into your head by my subconscious mind, to give people background to make them intelligent and at least comparable to my extreme divinity. Therefore, I should not allow myself to be pushed around by the authority damage to my subconscious mind had created. However, they're too godly and are a threat to my potential rule. Even gods have mistakes that can't be fixed because their own divinity prevents it.


This is all a piece of art, if you will see it as such. It is basically art to represent my more edgy side that gets interpreted as an edgelord so much on this thread. I am explaining that nothing I said was that "edgy". This post is real edginess. I think it's a masterpiece honestly, but it is not necessarily my true thoughts. But I am God, you all are your own God.

I'm tired of being called an edgelord.
Its because the board is full of old ass, ungrateful cunts (just a prank bro) . I am the only other teenager on here

There is Individual Thought Patterns, who is 16. I will be 16 in July. Bear this in mind:

It is the older people that got you into the music you listen to. At the very least, those who create the music we listen to are in their 30s and 40s, or 50s and 60s. Since you are dedicated enough to have a forum account, I'm assuming it's a major part of your life. Heavy metal is very important in my life. Without it, I don't feel like I have a self. I feel like I'm another bland human without metal. So, be a bit grateful.:)
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Yeah. Just having a laugh, lol

Btw i am ITP, i just changed my name. Yeah I would say this forum has really helped me progress as not only a metalhead but a person, if i wasn't teased because of the retarded shit i said, i might have been still saying it. Anyways I'm in tenth grade, thinking of becoming a psychologist. Yeah i don't have a lot of experience with drugs and stuff, pot is good. Thats it though, yeah i have an overwhelming feeling of self superiority and arrogance, it sucks because i feel like i see so many stupid people. I have great pride in my species but then i look around and all i see shit. And then i stop brooding and say fuck it, I'm just a teenager no one will listen to me, even if i am more intelligent then they know. So fuck it, I'm a teen, I'm fucking invincible lol
I feel most comfortable comfortable when I wear clothing that expresses the most important aspect of my mind. Thus I wear band shirts as opposed to a suit and tie outside. I get very anxious in my school clothes, alongside being physically uncomfortable.