The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah. Just having a laugh, lol

Btw i am ITP, i just changed my name. Yeah I would say this forum has really helped me progress as not only a metalhead but a person, if i wasn't teased because of the retarded shit i said, i might have been still saying it. Anyways I'm in tenth grade, thinking of becoming a psychologist. Yeah i don't have a lot of experience with drugs and stuff, pot is good. Thats it though, yeah i have an overwhelming feeling of self superiority and arrogance, it sucks because i feel like i see so many stupid people. I have great pride in my species but then i look around and all i see shit. And then i stop brooding and say fuck it, I'm just a teenager no one will listen to me, even if i am more intelligent then they know. So fuck it, I'm a teen, I'm fucking invincible lol

Some mods think I'm you. They think I'm an alt. Most likely because it's clear I really listen to metal and like to talk about it on here, but I say shit that will make people hate me. They think this is your "throw away account" to say stupid shit on. In reality, I just don't give a fuck about social standards and say what I want, and put my elbows on the table when I want. Fuck you Queen Victoria.

I've never done "real" drugs, only inhalants. Actually, I have experimented with a few legal drugs. Inhalants are considered to be drugs in some ways, but that us not typically their intention. Nitrous oxide is a medical anesthetic. I got one relatively concentrated puff, then ran out. It lasted for only a second, but it was actually fun. Nitrous is not harmful unless you do it too much, it's addictive and you can suffocate if you don't do it properly. Ether is also an anesthetic, but it's more crazy, and a bit dangerous. It was also used during the prohibition era as a recreational drug. Most propellants are fairly safe, but people die on butane because you have to have a higher concentration than nitrous. Nitrous is chemically psychoactive, butane is an inert asphyxiant. Solvents are the ones that kill brain cells. Especially toulene.
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Yeah, never seen them say that to you. Thats interesting that they would think that but not really surprising to be honest. There are other people who make throw away accounts a lot. Yeah well the problem is that people don't know the proper way to deal with the drugs or inhalants and they die for acting like dumb cunts. Its user error most of the time
Btw i am ITP, i just changed my name.

Shit, really? I wonder if im the only one here who didnt realize this...

I've never done "real" drugs, only inhalants. Actually, I have experimented with a few legal drugs. Inhalants are considered to be drugs in some ways, but that us not typically their intention. Nitrous oxide is a medical anesthetic. I got one relatively concentrated puff, then ran out. It lasted for only a second, but it was actually fun. Nitrous is not harmful unless you do it too much, it's addictive and you can suffocate if you don't do it properly. Ether is also an anesthetic, but it's more crazy, and a bit dangerous. It was also used during the prohibition era as a recreational drug. Most propellants are fairly safe, but people die on butane because you have to have a higher concentration than nitrous. Nitrous is chemically psychoactive, butane is an inert asphyxiant. Solvents are the ones that kill brain cells. Especially toulene.

Just go buy some pot already.
Today at lunch, I was at an outdoor table joking around with a bunch of people. Well, this guy was eating canned sausage (came in a can with water). He poured it in a small fruit cup type vessel and told me to drink it. I thought about it, but it smelled terrible. He was holding it in front of my face, so I took my hand and slapped it out. It then spilled all over the person next to us and got onto his nice Abercrombie and Fitch school clothes. He shoved me, I shoved him back, and then he went to the office to tell the principal. He came back in short gym shorts. While in biology class, the principal came to get me, but the teacher kept me in, as luckily I was in the middle of a test. At the end of class, I ran out fast to my parents car, as it was the last class of the day. On my way out, I ran into the principal. She is quite intimidating. Well, I just ran as fast as I could and made it to the car. I'm safe for now, but what about tomorrow? What pisses me off the most about this is the fact that the guy actually told the principal. Really, it's kind of the wimpy. It's just sausage water, nothing dangerous. It will dry.

That said, I didn't do anything wrong. I was not intending to get this innocent bystander wet. But he isn't innocent anymore...

I don't think I should have laughed, but it is funny when someone's Abercrombie and Fitch pants look like they just got pissed.

I do not believe in indirect consequences. They are bullshit. Any punishment should be given right then and there, by the victim.

This reminds me of a memory from high school. It's one of those weird memories that I shouldn't laugh at, like seeing my buddy's mom smoking crack out of a Milwaukee's Best Ice can, but it does anyways

I was one of those dopes like you that just wanted to get fucked up all the time (not on scotch guard, I'm proud to say) because I was an angsty teen who wanted to embrace every form of anti-conformity I could get my hands on. Anyways, I was smoking a bunch and always had crazy loogies when I woke up. As well, I'm a bad morning breath type of person. One morning, I wake up and coughed up this strange multi-colored phlegm ball that was unusually solid, but still spongy. I spit it into an empty water bottle, one of those shitty disposable plastic water bottles that people like to drink water out of so much--too good for a tap, they are--and set the bottle down on my nightstand. I then went to school and likely went through my usual routine of sleeping through first period, mouthing the teacher in second period, sitting in the disciplinary office for third and forth period, and that sort of little shit head stuff.

I got home and continued my daily routine by practicing guitar and vocals--I was planning to be a DM band frontman, of course. I then go to my room, which was always absurdly hot (think 80F, yes even you Aussies) because the house was an old, +150 years, plantation house (slave quarters in the back yard and everything) and thus didn't have central heating, so we had a stove for the living room, which my room was just over. I smelt something funny when I went in my room. I, being a distant cousin of a K9, followed my reptile brain to the source: the little spongy thing I coughed up that was in the bottle. It was the worst thing I had smelt my entire life. A friend was coming over in a few days. I must make him smell it, I determined. I did and agreed that it, indeed, smelled putrid. Therefore, I should keep it longer and get more of my friends to smell it. Great idea. Will do. Should be funny. And I did.

A few months later, the little discolored phlegm sponge dissolved into a half ounce of mildly viscous red/brown fluid (reminiscing of the smell still makes me gag). Naturally, it smelled even worse. My friends and I determined that the joy must be shared, so I brought it to school. The original plan was to find somebody to dump it on. This wouldn't be out of the ordinary for us--one of my buddies once put a dead baby bird we found in the parking lot in the vending machine for some unsuspecting victim to pull out, expecting to see a candy bar in his or her hand. Fate had different ideas, however. As it turned out, one of my friends--a real trip, used to microwave his shirts right before school because it worked faster than the dryer, then one day the nuker broke and he put his shirt in the oven at 325 degrees for 15 minutes, then had the shirt slowly disintegrate over the course of the school day--happened to bring a rotten piece of flank steak with him in his book bag. We met up and all of them smelled my decayed phlegmball. Laughs ensued.

My microwave/flank steak friend asked if he could keep my stinkbottle, as I had intended to get rid of it that day by water the most amusing means possible was. I obliged and trusted his judgement. At lunch, he poured the viscous liquid on the lunch table--one of those ones that have the seats connected to them and can fold up to be filed against the wall--slapped the rancid flank steak on it, and proceeded to wipe the flank steak in the liquid in a circular motion, though in a jutting fashion because of his laughter, before he threw the steak, or something or the other. Not as sinister a use of my progeny as I'd hoped, but funny anyhow. He got staph as a result, which is the best part considering that the dumb ass rubbed his hands in that putrid shit.
I'm worried about confronting the office staff tomorrow. Probably will happen. They always pull me out during study hall, and I have study hall tomorrow. Study hall- it's like you are trapped in there. You can go to the library (the teacher just gave me a random "no". Again, I'm myself, so nail me to a cross.) But it's a death trap for disciplinary stuff.

You know, I just don't want to talk to authority figures. Just leave me alone. You would think the have something better to do. Maybe they could clean the bathrooms, and make facilities work. Stop trying to discipline me. I am not a threat to the school. Disgusting bathrooms aren't either, but more so than me. As for anyone else, fuck them. I don't care if I ruined their dumb school pants. Then again, I'm sure they are just trying to see what was going on. Nothing worth disciplining anyone over. We were just joking around with sausage juice, and I happened to spill it in some guys lap. (That came out wrong. Don't turn it into anything dirty).

But I still don't like talking to people. I have trouble getting words out during stressful situations, unless I am shouting.
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Maybe you should stop acting out if you can't handle the consequences. Keep this up and you'll make a worse adult than even the worst people to ever frequent this board.
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I've been in classes where the kids were so naughty that we put teaches into early retirement and even taunted them into fist fights. All in the name of fun but you have to known your limits and not to be lead.
I've been in classes where the kids were so naughty that we put teaches into early retirement and even taunted them into fist fights. All in the name of fun but you have to known your limits and not to be lead.

Someone at the college I work at did a placement at a really rough school. It was a school for students so bad that they had all been expelled from at least 3 other schools before. I can't imagine teaching in a place like that. I expect you don't get to teach much of the actual subject you're supposed to, and it's more about managing behaviour.
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I think my school was somehow worse in that we were all from decent working class families, all from good families. Actually at the time there were only one or two of my friends from broken homes. But I guess I just got lucky in that when we got together hilarity ensued, I guess you could say we were predatory in that we could sense how far we could take things and none of us actually got in trouble. There were a couple of very naughty kids that didn't have those skills to be able to draw a line and they were the ones from troubled families come to think of it. So much fun but poor fucking teachers.
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