The Whining and Bitching Thread

I didn't mean leave the place, more like attempt to say fewer jokes untill a thought of a good one comes to mind.
And this one.
*edit* ninja'd

Also, I pretty much lurked until the October of 2007. I had 400 posts together. Then slowly I started posting more.
I was creeping on this Dead Congregation cd, refreshed at 40seconds left and my fucking firefox crashes and I didn't get to bid :lol: thankfully the dude is cool and sold it to me :kickass:
I hate stupid people.

you know people who do nothing but skip class (in college/high school) smoke pot/drink all the time and waste their lives away?

i cant stand them.

It done broke. Blew a head gasket on the way home from work Thursday.
I need to go buy a bike or just suck it up and walk everywhere. It'll be at least another year or so before I can get another one... no vacation this year, either due to my need to save money... so no MDF :(.