the "why do you hate pantera" thread

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
It seems like either people love them to death or fucking hate them with a passion.

I used to like them but moved on to much better bands. I think Phil Anselmo has his good qualities...he's really passionate about metal, which is cool, but I cant stand any of these "side projects" he does. Trying to cash in with a shitty pseudo black metal band, crappy 70's rock shit with Down and all the other crappy shit like Viking crown and Eibon etc. That's what I hate. Their fans really piss me off too. Anything Phil does or puts out they automatically love and they severly over rate him as a musician. He sings for a bunch of bands and writes really weak riffs for Down. Wow, impressive.
I like them, without loving or hating them......*watches your theory get thrown out of the window, and then hit the ground with a sickening thud....*
I don't hate them,i just think they don't have it anymore.Reinventing the Steel just did'nt have the intensity of their older stuff.Not enough guitar solo's either.
I like alot of their music but I think as a whole, they're fucking losers.
First they were glam metal, then they became this macho "Stronger than all" entity yet cancelled their Tattoo the Earth tour of Europe after 9/11.
Even Biohazard didn't cancel and they're from New York for God's sake.
Immortality said:
I hate Pantera because they are generic as hell.

more or less thats why i got sick of them.

btw i didnt mean you HAVE to either love or hate them, i just know a lot of people on this bulletin board really really hate thembut i cant remember who...
Hehe, with all the other great shit out there, I never really found time to listen to Pantera.

I couldn't even tell you the name of their CDs.

I know some people who think they rule, though. Eh, whatever. If I ever have time, maybe I'll go back and check out their junk.

I don't exactly hate them, I just grew out of them when I discovered more and better bands.
I love Pantera. They just "do it" for me. Heheheh.

P.S. I just love the fact that they started as a glam metal band when glam metal was huge, and went unnoticed, then dropped that shit, became a bunch of beer drinking redneck metalheads playing really fucking heavy(IMO) metal, and became the second biggest metal band in the world, at a time when grunge was the big thing.

P.P.S. I actually like their cover of Planet Caravan even better than Sabbath's version:D

P.P.P.S. Anybody ever see the original cover of Far Beyond Driven? Sick shit, right there.
I cant stand Anselmo's voice,attitude,stupidity and generally dislike Pantera
I don't hate them,I just don't listen to them
But Dimebag and Vinnie are excellent musicians
i dont dig the hick thing.

and here is another reason to hate them: REINVENTING THE STEEL!!! that was awefull