Why so much hate for Machine Head?

Because Rob(b) left Forbidden, then Vio-lence to follow trends LOL.

exactly, Flynn straight trashed Vio-Lence just to chase some fucking trends ... too bad nothing they do will ever come close to what they did with Eternal Nightmare.

And as much as i love Vio-Lence, i despise those two cocksuckers(mainly Robb) for ruining one of my favorite all time bands.
Burn My Eyes is a fucking classic record. The Blackening is alright. There are some good cuts on the record. I'm kinda skeptical about their new one though as I don't think they can sustain what they put out on The Blackening.
It's not really Rob Flynns fault. The band was fucked up on drugs & was broke as fuck by 1990. They got dropped & nobody supported them at all. No one bought their albums or went to see them live & at that time thrash was dying. Violence went on without Flynn & again they got 0 support so Phil Demmel finally said fuck it. Flynn didn't go chasing trends he just started a band that was more groove oriented stuff like Pantera. What's he supposed to do? Sean Killian said he was gonna quit the band too so Rob was smart to do what he did & savage a career out of a fucked situation