the WORKERS thread


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2002
this is the thread where those who have money are banned. here we can discuss about bills we cant pay and stuff we cant buy.
My account is stuck at -100€, i can't go below -150€. So i can't afford anything these days.
Ok I still live at my parent's, i don't pay for food and housing etc ... But they don't give me money either.
Do I fit to this thread ?

P.S : I've been unemployed for 3 years, not constantly but kind of.

SO ?
Dame Thora Hird once said that the most beautiful word in the english language is 'ordinary'
and she was a world class actress.

up your fuckin borstal!
no i'm not - i thrive on other ppl's income.
i'm a sneaky fucking parasite, and i'm fucking allowed to, as the government overhere sucks the money right out of yer pocket.
toolsofthetrade said:
no i'm not - i thrive on other ppl's income.
i'm a sneaky fucking parasite, and i'm fucking allowed to, as the government overhere sucks the money right out of yer pocket.
Don't vote the fuckin commies. I'm a parasite too (studying and working for government expense) but not for long and I don't feel like spending fucking 50% in taxes.
its not fair. im fucken work class but I'm able to keep my bank account healthy and that... what should i do? :cry:
thats the way forward mariner, struggling for your bank account. like in that maiden song

fight for the hooonoouuuuur
fight for the spleeeendouuur
fight for the pleaaaaasuuure!