The Worst Coverartwork!!!

Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
Well I like them all except for MAYH. Still Life's cover is excellent, although the best one would have to be BWP. It simply oozes atmosphere!

I liked to blackwater park cover the most too but it got old really quick. I like the Still Life one much better and the Deliverance cover is superb! Can´t wait too see the Damnation Cover... or hear the the album... god damn! I can´t wait!
The eyes are too close together...and it almost looks like it's surprised. :lol: Hm. I probably couldn't draw it though. This is sort of a bassackwards way of looking at it. I don't remember bad coverart as much as the good ones.
Originally posted by Verago
I guess this is the cover you were speaking about:

Thanks! I am just now recovering from another long laugh session from that drawing! Someone else said the eyes are too close together and that is what makes it so goddamn hilarious to me! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yah is ugly teh cover by Wolf but is a drawing manson is a picture of him with a mickey mouse hat. He is the winner!!!

And the winner goes to : Marilyn Manson (Worst Cover Artwork)
Originally posted by replicator
Yah is ugly teh cover by Wolf but is a drawing manson is a picture of him with a mickey mouse hat. He is the winner!!!

And the winner goes to : Marilyn Manson (Worst Cover Artwork)

I think most of the people here got your point. But, just in case, you know, you could propably make it a little bit more obvious. Try writing, "MARLIN MASON SUX0RZ L0L FAG!!!!!1".
On the other hand, people might think you were holding a grudge against Marilyn Manson. Which is just what Mick... MM wants you to do.

Or in other words: why do you open a thread about bad covers in general if all you want to do is bitch about the new Marilyn Manson cover? I mean, it's cheap, it's childish, .. oh, wait, it's the internet. Nevermind.
manson is good stuff. "antichrist superstar" was a great musical exposition of nietzchean existentialism. mechanical animals was a self-depracating anti-rockstar album. holy wood was an intellectually-misanthropic look at culpability.

musically, he's not my favorite, but Antichrist is a great CD to blast at high volume.