Themed Mixtape Game

Okay, 13 should be enough. Here's your OCCULTISM playlist.

Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven
Barathrum - Revenge by Magick
Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites
Hour of 13 - Call to Satan
Cultes des Ghoules - Scholomance
Necromantia - Spiritdance
Dream Death - Black Edifice
Root - Salamandra
Disciples of Power - Ice Demons
Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber
Pagan Altar - The Black Mass
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

I was in the middle of looking for a submission but ah well. I'm pretty over the bullshit in this game anyway. The non-metal one is much more enjoyable.
Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven

Obvious but classic and completely topical. 9/10.

Barathrum - Revenge by Magick

Black metal with swagger and real riffs, nice, and just the right length. I could see this becoming a great commute album, will explore further. FACT: Finns are the most powerful race in the world. 7/10.

Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace

Wow this is some fab 90s shit right here. I dig all the keyboards (correction: up until the folk shit at 2:20), but the metal is weak. At least a minute overlong. Lyrics don’t feel quite personal enough to be occult but whatevs I suppose. 4/10.

Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites

See MF. 8/10.

Hour of 13 - Call to Satan

Decent, 70s-retro doesn’t do that much for me, good sound but average-at-best riffs, but there was a line about soaking in semen that I could identify with. 5/10.

Cultes des Ghoules – Scholomance

Generic shit second-wave, what the fuck were they even trying to do at that part around 4:00? Like my goodness, even the sound is boring. How can these talentless hacks continue aping DMDS almost 20 years after the fact, all the while not putting in a tenth of the effort? 1/10.

Necromantia – Spiritdance

One of the better Greek black metal albums out there, which says fuck all. The cheesy waltz-y parts 2 minutes in are neat, otherwise the best riff is stolen from Fade to Black. If that part at 3:30 moves you in any way you should probably give up on metal and just listen to 90s JRPG soundtracks. Lyrics are good though. 4/10.

Dream Death - Black Edifice

Awesome song, love the lurching vibe and how the intensity keeps building, it’s hard to pick favorites from this album but this one is consistently up there. 9/10.

Root – Salamandra

This one isn’t doing quite as much for me as previous Root posted, but still good. Maybe a little too goth-y or something, lacks menace, but it still has quality riffing and a very nice climax. 6.5/10.

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

Great song, the best on the album. Disciples of Power is a little inconsistent for me, but when they’re on, they have some of the craziest, riff-packed songs of thrash, and great atmosphere too. 8/10.

Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber

I guess this was alright, I barely noticed listening to it. 5/10.

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass

Mostly boring, should have picked their eponymous. Hate that chorus. 3/10.

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

See MF/MA. 10/10.
I'll be gentle.

Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven
I enjoy this rennaissance intro. Classic heavy metal here, I do like this MF album and even Metallica's cover of the song on Garage Inc (which was my introduction to the Fate). I can't rate it too lowly, but I don't want a band that everyone knows already to win. So... 6?

Barathrum - Revenge by Magick
Never heard of this band before. It's palatable but the riffs are pretty basic. Not much substance here but not like it's going to win anyway. I'll toss it a 5.

Dimmu Burger - In Bread's Embrace
This is totally metal for girls. It's all sparkly and soft. 4

Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites
Classic and historic track. These guys have been in a few games, so I gotta dock some points, sorry dudes. 7

Hour of 13 - Call to Satan
Very thematic, and compelling vocals. I want to change the settings on this guitarist's amp. It's an obnoxious guitar tone. Some of the riffs are interesting, some fall flat. 6.5

Cultes des Ghoules - Scholomance
Thanks for the link HBB. The atmosphere is right, but I dunno. Nothing much really happens. I feel like this would be a good soundtrack to a scene in a play when the devil shows up or something. Like it'd be a contrast or background music to an death/madness scene. Then the next morning they find the character dead. If you look at it that way it's sort of cool, but all by itself this song is kind of monotone. I'm torn but I'll give it a 6.

Necromantia - Spiritdance
This intro drags on and on. Ugh the piano doubling the guitar in unison part is awful. Yeah this is not for me at all. 3

Dream Death - Black Edifice
Dream Death is on the list of Baroque approved "doom" bands. 7.5

Root - Salamandra
Hmm interesting vocal presentation. I like the wah and whammy work in the first guitar solo here, adds to the haunting atmosphere of dread. Yeah this is quality music, thanks! 8.5

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons
Haha this song is all over the place and awesome. Unhinged art. 10

Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber
To come from that chaos to this repetitive common meter sure makes this sound unfairly basic. The guitar riffs are somewhat interesting as are the vocals, but rhythmically and formwise it's too simple. The ending is a nice change of pace. 5

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass
I wonder who submitted this? is what I might ask if I had been on this forum for less than a day. Old predictable. 4

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
It's okish, I'd say boring but it's more annoying tbh. Not a fan of the vocals. Drags on. 3
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Lol there went my chances to win. :p I read HBBs reviews and though "wow I'm safe, now I got this"! And then Baroque goes and and dream crushes instead. X)