Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven
Obvious but classic and completely topical. 9/10.
Barathrum - Revenge by Magick
Black metal with swagger and real riffs, nice, and just the right length. I could see this becoming a great commute album, will explore further. FACT: Finns are the most powerful race in the world. 7/10.
Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace
Wow this is some fab 90s shit right here. I dig all the keyboards (correction: up until the folk shit at 2:20), but the metal is weak. At least a minute overlong. Lyrics don’t feel quite personal enough to be occult but whatevs I suppose. 4/10.
Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites
See MF. 8/10.
Hour of 13 - Call to Satan
Decent, 70s-retro doesn’t do that much for me, good sound but average-at-best riffs, but there was a line about soaking in semen that I could identify with. 5/10.
Cultes des Ghoules – Scholomance
Generic shit second-wave, what the fuck were they even trying to do at that part around 4:00? Like my goodness, even the sound is boring. How can these talentless hacks continue aping DMDS almost 20 years after the fact, all the while not putting in a tenth of the effort? 1/10.
Necromantia – Spiritdance
One of the better Greek black metal albums out there, which says fuck all. The cheesy waltz-y parts 2 minutes in are neat, otherwise the best riff is stolen from Fade to Black. If that part at 3:30 moves you in any way you should probably give up on metal and just listen to 90s JRPG soundtracks. Lyrics are good though. 4/10.
Dream Death - Black Edifice
Awesome song, love the lurching vibe and how the intensity keeps building, it’s hard to pick favorites from this album but this one is consistently up there. 9/10.
Root – Salamandra
This one isn’t doing quite as much for me as previous Root posted, but still good. Maybe a little too goth-y or something, lacks menace, but it still has quality riffing and a very nice climax. 6.5/10.
Disciples of Power - Ice Demons
Great song, the best on the album. Disciples of Power is a little inconsistent for me, but when they’re on, they have some of the craziest, riff-packed songs of thrash, and great atmosphere too. 8/10.
Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber
I guess this was alright, I barely noticed listening to it. 5/10.
Pagan Altar - The Black Mass
Mostly boring, should have picked their eponymous. Hate that chorus. 3/10.
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
See MF/MA. 10/10.