Themed Mixtape Game

Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven 8/10

Classic and essential. Nothing really beats Mercyful Fate's first two records. Not going to downrate for being obvious because that's dumb as fuck. All hail the king!

Barathrum - Revenge by Magick 6/10

Eh, this is alright. I dig the old, mid-tempo style and appreciate the shortness but this doesn't really stand out much. Not bad but not great either.

Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace 0/10


Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites 8/10

Yep, see my comments on Mercyful Fate.

Hour of 13 - Call to Satan 9/10

Not much needs to be said here.

Cultes des Ghoules - Scholomance 6.5/10

Kind of forgettable, honestly. This band gets a lot of buzz but I'm not hearing it. Certainly not bad but a bit too reliant on being "spoopy" instead of providing nasty fucking riffs. Certainly has that early Mayhem feel to it.

Necromantia - Spiritdance 7/10

Necromantia are strange in the way that only Greek black metal can be. Not my favorite from the scene, but pretty damn great. That six-string bass is bonkers.

Dream Death - Black Edifice 8/10

Dream Death is one of my "approved" of doom metal bands that Baroque also likes. This really isn't even that "doom" but it rules regardless.

Root - Salamandra 7/10

I'm not the biggest Root fan. Their older stuff is cool but never really struck me. This seems pretty out of character from what I am familiar with but I dig it. Especially those goth rock vocals.

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons 4/10

A few good riffs thrown together in this mess of riffs. Boring.

Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber 7/10

There are better Necros Christos songs that you could have chosen probably. Necromantique Nun perhaps as that song fucking destroys. This was my fucking JAM when it came out in 2010. Crushing and heavy ass riffs, awesome vocal melodies and even better lyrics, but I think Necros Christos is one of those bands that is best listened to in full as hearing the Gate and Temple interludes between the songs adds to the atmosphere. Without them, each track sort of loses what makes it awesome.

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass 10/10

Now that Satan has come

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 8.5/10

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That disciples of power song is the antithesis of boring. Does not compute.

Boring synonyms: repetitive, monotonous. Ice demons is clearly neither of those things.
The word "boring" also means "uninteresting" and is used that way more often than any of its other possible applications. You'd have to skip over the word "uninteresting" or descriptions of not finding something interesting to find those definitions or alternatives in a dictionary or thesaurus.
Explain how that song is uninteresting. Find one song that sounds like it that is not by Disciples of Power. It is at a bare minimum interesting due to its uniqueness. Also consider that was made in 1989. The closest I can come up with was released in 1989 or later and still isn't as diverse within a single song.
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It's all subjective, this is music not linear geometric proofs. One person might consider a song to be fascinating, the other it may merely elicit a shrug, no matter how comparably unique it is.
It's all subjective, this is music not linear geometric proofs. One person might consider a song to be fascinating, the other it may merely elicit a shrug, no matter how comparably unique it is.

I think he was just too lazy to come up with a proper term to define how he felt about the song. It is not logically a boring song. He was just downrating because it could loosely be defined as thrash, and paying me back for calling songs he submitted boring (which were actual slow monotonous and or repetitive songs)
"Logically" Therein lies the problem, this is musical artistry, there is no objective logic to someone's like or dislike or interest or disinterest with a piece. Knowing Yoda, that very well may have been his motive, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for him to have found little or nothing of interest to him in the piece.
"Logically" Therein lies the problem, this is musical artistry, there is no objective logic to someone's like or dislike or interest or disinterest with a piece. Knowing Yoda, that very well may have been his motive, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for him to have found little or nothing of interest to him in the piece.

Now I know subjectivity gets tossed around an awful lot here to shrug away these discussions, but I think there is something objective here that is simply difficult to define. Imagine this scenario: you're sitting at a bar, someone puts on a slow monotonous repetitive song. What happens? Everyone quickly loses interest and talks amongst each other. Now someone puts on Disciples of Power - Ice Demons. What happens? People are going to love or hate it, but they're going to be reacting to that music, it grabs and holds their attention. There is interest there even if they dislike what they are hearing. It's like someone arguing with you, it's still interesting even if you dislike what they say, or else you'd just ignore them.
Except in music, people may and do have varying conceptions of what the adjectives you just tossed around mean, and rightly so, as there's no objective standard for when a song actually becomes slow or fast, or monotonous or repetitive.
Except in music, people may and do have varying conceptions of what the adjectives you just tossed around mean, and rightly so, as there's no objective standard for when a song actually becomes slow or fast, or monotonous or repetitive.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is monotonous. It stays in one key. Or hangs around a drone of 1 tone/chord.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is repetitive. It repeats the same bars of music, it has literal repeats on the sheet music.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is slow or fast. It has tempo markings Adagio or Allegro or etc which have standardized beats per minute these days.
Problem is, someone out there may not find that monotonous, while thry find something even simpler to be the threshold for monotony. Someone may argue, how many measures does something need to repeat in order to officially qualify as repetitive. It may repeat, but how much exactly must it do so to qualify for that descriptor on a technical plane. They have BPM, meter, or Adagio markings, but someone may consider 4/4 fast, while another finds it the slowest thing since retarded tortoises. Although you may be right on speed, as it has actual numerical quantifications. Nonetheless, speed, or descriptors like "fast" or "slow" are already opinions and subjectively loaded from the beginning. Someone may regard Mach 2 as slow, but Mach 13 as fast, or Mach 1 as fast and the speed of sound as slow.
Sure there is a definition for when a song is monotonous. It stays in one key. Or hangs around a drone of 1 tone/chord.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is repetitive. It repeats the same bars of music, it has literal repeats on the sheet music.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is slow or fast. It has tempo markings Adagio or Allegro or etc which have standardized beats per minute these days.

i'd argue 'monotonous' has a value judgement attached to it, at least in common usage. nobody uses the word to describe something they like in my experience, even if they agree it has the qualities you describe.
Problem is, someone out there may not find that monotonous, while thry find something even simpler to be the threshold for monotony. Someone may argue, how many measures does something need to repeat in order to officially qualify as repetitive. It may repeat, but how much exactly must it do so to qualify for that descriptor on a technical plane. They have BPM, meter, or Adagio markings, but someone may consider 4/4 fast, while another finds it the slowest thing since retarded tortoises. Although you may be right on speed, as it has actual numerical quantifications. Nonetheless, speed, or descriptors like "fast" or "slow" are already opinions and subjectively loaded from the beginning. Someone may regard Mach 2 as slow, but Mach 13 as fast, or Mach 1 as fast and the speed of sound as slow.

Fast and slow may be subjective in relativistic physics but in music we give fast and slow definite numbers as you said, certain beats per minute over time are labeled as fast or slow.

My definition of monotonous is quantifiable, a piece that uses only scale degrees (which we can represent with numbers) from a single key, or only chord changes based on that key. or you can use the definition of a drone. amount of time droned per minute

My definition of repetitive is also quantifiable. Simply count the number of repeats in a piece and count the number of repeats in another piece. The piece which has more repeats is more repetitive than the other. We can assign each piece its number of repeats as its level of repetitiveness. or you could find repeats per minute or repeats per beat
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