Themed Mixtape Game

Problem is, someone out there may not find that monotonous, while thry find something even simpler to be the threshold for monotony. Someone may argue, how many measures does something need to repeat in order to officially qualify as repetitive. It may repeat, but how much exactly must it do so to qualify for that descriptor on a technical plane. They have BPM, meter, or Adagio markings, but someone may consider 4/4 fast, while another finds it the slowest thing since retarded tortoises. Although you may be right on speed, as it has actual numerical quantifications. Nonetheless, speed, or descriptors like "fast" or "slow" are already opinions and subjectively loaded from the beginning. Someone may regard Mach 2 as slow, but Mach 13 as fast, or Mach 1 as fast and the speed of sound as slow.
Sure there is a definition for when a song is monotonous. It stays in one key. Or hangs around a drone of 1 tone/chord.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is repetitive. It repeats the same bars of music, it has literal repeats on the sheet music.

Sure there is a definition for when a song is slow or fast. It has tempo markings Adagio or Allegro or etc which have standardized beats per minute these days.

i'd argue 'monotonous' has a value judgement attached to it, at least in common usage. nobody uses the word to describe something they like in my experience, even if they agree it has the qualities you describe.
Problem is, someone out there may not find that monotonous, while thry find something even simpler to be the threshold for monotony. Someone may argue, how many measures does something need to repeat in order to officially qualify as repetitive. It may repeat, but how much exactly must it do so to qualify for that descriptor on a technical plane. They have BPM, meter, or Adagio markings, but someone may consider 4/4 fast, while another finds it the slowest thing since retarded tortoises. Although you may be right on speed, as it has actual numerical quantifications. Nonetheless, speed, or descriptors like "fast" or "slow" are already opinions and subjectively loaded from the beginning. Someone may regard Mach 2 as slow, but Mach 13 as fast, or Mach 1 as fast and the speed of sound as slow.

Fast and slow may be subjective in relativistic physics but in music we give fast and slow definite numbers as you said, certain beats per minute over time are labeled as fast or slow.

My definition of monotonous is quantifiable, a piece that uses only scale degrees (which we can represent with numbers) from a single key, or only chord changes based on that key. or you can use the definition of a drone. amount of time droned per minute

My definition of repetitive is also quantifiable. Simply count the number of repeats in a piece and count the number of repeats in another piece. The piece which has more repeats is more repetitive than the other. We can assign each piece its number of repeats as its level of repetitiveness. or you could find repeats per minute or repeats per beat
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i'd argue 'monotonous' has a value judgement attached to it, at least in common usage. nobody uses the word to describe something they like in my experience, even if they agree it has the qualities you describe.

This is probably true but the root meaning of the word is entirely accurate. monotonic, of one tone. What would you propose be used instead?
Fast and slow may be subjective in relativistic physics but in music we give fast and slow definite numbers as you said, certain beats per minute over time are labeled as fast or slow.

My definition of monotonous is quantifiable, a piece that uses only scale degrees (which we can represent with numbers) from a single key, or only chord changes based on that key. or you can use the definition of a drone. amount of time droned per minute

My definition of repetitive is also quantifiable. Simply count the number of repeats in a piece and count the number of repeats in another piece. The piece which has more repeats is more repetitive than the other. We can assign each piece its number of repeats as its level of repetitiveness. or you could find repeats per minute or repeats per beat
Well argued. I concede.
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Explain how that song is uninteresting. Find one song that sounds like it that is not by Disciples of Power. It is at a bare minimum interesting due to its uniqueness. Also consider that was made in 1989. The closest I can come up with was released in 1989 or later and still isn't as diverse within a single song.

You do realize that what's interesting or boring varies from person to person and it's totally subjective, right?

I haven't listened to the song yet but any adult should be able to figure out that not everyone finds the same stuff interesting.
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Lazy half assed ratings I barely feel like doing because you're all faggots

Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven

Barathrum - Revenge by Magick

Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace

Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites

Hour of 13 - Call to Satan

Cultes des Ghoules - Scholomance

Necromantia - Spiritdance

Dream Death - Black Edifice

Root - Salamandra

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
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Well I did submit them to the compositional mixtape game last round, and I respect their musicianship. I would rate them 6 or 7 in a game not 3 or 4. Their rhythmic complexity is the most interesting aspect of the band to me, other aspects have been done better by other bands.
Mercyful Fate - Into The Coven 8.5/10
Certified classic but predictable as all fuck.

Barathrum - Revenge By Magick 5.5/10
Not the Barathrum I'm used to, sounds almost like black'n'roll or something.

Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace 5/10
Glittery black metal isn't really my thing, I appreciate the keys but not in this context. Drums sound gutless.

Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites 8/10
Well needed return to good music on this playlist, what a shame the two good tracks so far are also the two most obvious tracks.

Hour of 13 - Call To Satan 8/10
I love the guitar tone so much. Great tune!

Cultes Des Ghoules - Scholomance 7/10
This is fucking creepy, maniacal stuff. I like it.

Necromantia - Spiritdance 10/10
Hail the spirit of evil Greece!

Dream Death - Black Edifice 10/10
Huuuuuge fan of this album, absolute fucking masterpiece and original sounding.

Root - Salamandra 8/10
Interesting sound, very gothic and gloomy. I'll need to follow up on this album I think.

Disciples Of Power - Ice Demons 7.5/10
This was cool, very unorthodox sounding, quite jarring rhythmically too. Great vocals!

Necros Christos - Invoked From Carrion Slumber 7/10
I am always told by friends that I need to get into this band, I guess they're right. This is awesome shit.

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass 7/10
Such a warpy, raw production haha. I love these guys, but again a little obvious, especially considering just how wide a range there was to choose from with this theme, which is perhaps the most general theme in heavy metal history.

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 10/10
Absolute masterpiece of evil and coldness. Vocals are my favourite aspect of this album funnily enough. Again, another obvious choice.


Pretty fucking uncreative playlist. Disappointed honestly, I was expecting tons of shit I've either never heard of or not gotten around to listening to yet. Tsk tsk.

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Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven


This is very obvious but it's also a total classic.

Barathrum - Revenge by Magick


This is okay. I wouldn't listen to it more than once.

Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace


I hate this band.

Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites


This is also really obvious but I love the song so much.

Hour of 13 - Call to Satan


This is cool. I'm going to have to pick up an album.

Cultes des Ghoules - Scholomance


That was better than I expected.

Necromantia - Spiritdance


That was cool.

Dream Death - Black Edifice


Awesome. Great band.

Root - Salamandra


Cool. Czech black metal seems to be very good.

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons


This is pretty good.

Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber


I figured that this would be way too modern but it was very nice.

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass


This is very obvious too. I don't care.

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas


One of the few Norwegian black metal albums that I really like.
Mercyful Fate, Morbid Angel, and Mayhem are receiving a -1 penalty for being obvious classics and because I harbor an irrational hatred towards the letter M. I do not normally deduct points for obviousness, and it's not a precedent I wish to set for most cases. However, occultism is such an obvious topic that, for just this round, it behooves us all to look for songs that aren't quite so obvious.

Mercyful Fate - Into the Coven

Barathrum - Revenge by Magick

Dimmu Borgir - In Death's Embrace

Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites

Hour of 13 - Call to Satan

Cultes des Ghoules - Scholomance

Necromantia - Spiritdance

Dream Death - Black Edifice

Root - Salamandra

Disciples of Power - Ice Demons

Necros Christos - Invoked from Carrion Slumber

Pagan Altar - The Black Mass

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas