Active Member
I can't believe the poor ratings for my Cultes des Ghoules pick! I've been listening to it with your ratings in mind to see if I'm overrating it, but nah, you all just suck
. It's a solid 7.5/8 out of 10 in my book. Besides, you can hardly get more on theme than a song about the school of dark arts itself!
Mayhem should have definitely won, though. Obvious as it is, we've not had the band picked before (I refuse to acknowledge the shitty song that @Satanstoenail once submitted as a real Mayhem track.) I'll blame all the philistines that don't like black metal for it not winning.

Mayhem should have definitely won, though. Obvious as it is, we've not had the band picked before (I refuse to acknowledge the shitty song that @Satanstoenail once submitted as a real Mayhem track.) I'll blame all the philistines that don't like black metal for it not winning.