Drudkh - Sunwheel
Inoffensive, but needlessly repetitive and cheerful. The opposite of what I want from black metal. 4/10
Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon
Solid. Not particularly engaging. 6/10
Sacred Blade - Of the Sun and Moon
High on my trad metal wishlist. 8/10
Amorphis - Moon And Sun Part II North's Son
Tales From the Thousand Lakes is where I give up on Amorphis. Pretty saccharine stuff, really. 4/10
Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun
Characterless modern metal complete with godawful tough guy vocals. Ultra slick soulless piss. 2/10
Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun
I think this is the first time I've ever listened to Dickinson's solo stuff. Really solid stuff, consider me equally surprised and impressed. 7/10
Incantation - The Ibex Moon
One of the best tracks from what I've come to acknowledge as Incantation's peak. Utterly bleak and dismal. 9/10
Sacramentum - Moonfog
Not quite as developed as their debut full-length, but still really nice, intricate black/death metal. 7.5/10
Anciients - Raise the Sun
Reminds me of Opeth but I like it even less. The harsh vocal parts are far and away the worst, sounds completely forced and devoid of any measure of menace and actually had me cringing. Clearly not for me. 3/10
Rat Attack - Man on the Moon
I remember this coming to my attention years back but I didn't properly investigate. I'm going to get on to that, this rules hard. 8/10
Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon
I'd rather he was ugh-ing and shit but whatever, undeniable riffs. 7/10
Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun
Second part is better. Unlike Rat Attack, not too eager to hear more. 5.5/10
Atrocity - Sky Turned Red
Yeah, I like my comfort zone. Top tier deranged death metal. 9.5/10
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun
Probably one of the more underrated Norwegian black metal albums. I think it'd benefit greatly from a less trebly production job, but it's not a big issue. 7/10