Themed Mixtape Game

Drudkh – Sunwheel

Very flowery but I have to admit this actually has riffs, in contrast to most Drudkh material. I swear the very start is giving me Soundgarden vibes or something, I can’t quite place it but I know I’ve heard something similar in an alt rock context. Ultimately I still got bored halfway through. 4/10.

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon

A bit of that Arch-era Fates Warning mysticism with crunchier and more straight-forward Euro speed/power writing. Doesn't quite reach its potential. 7/10.

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon

About as obvious a choice you can get for an underground band, but for good reason. I don’t consider this one of their very best songs as I know many do, but everything Sacred Blade/Othyrworld is amazing. 9/10.

Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son

I tried so hard in my youth to believe the “A-at least early Amorphis isn’t shit” meme, but no more. This is more flowery than any Rhapsody of Fire I’ve heard, and doesn’t have a quarter the riff quality. 3/10.

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun

Decent melothrash. First minute sounded very Exodus and I wish it stayed that way, but the rest wasn’t bad, had more ideas than usual for the style. Vocals were the weak link but tolerable. 5/10.

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun

Glad to see him here, Solar Confinement was one of my top contenders to submit, but Tyranny of Souls never did too much for me. LastFM tells me it’s been eight years since I’ve last heard this though. Actually this is really fucking good, damn I need to listen to this album again. Quality melodic riffing all the way through, that brief harmony bit was gorgeous, and it’s over in under four minutes. Bruce is the fucking man. 8/10.

Incantation - The Ibex Moon

I’m still too green in my Incantation listening to have favorite songs, but those really twisted tremolo bits at 1:50/2:30 are definitely among the stand out moments I have so far. Great dynamics through the whole thing though. 8/10.

Sacramentum – Moonfog

Boring. 3/10.

Anciients - Raise the Sun

Didn’t do a whole lot for me until the second half where things ramped up a bit. 5/10.

Rat Attack - Man on the Moon

Never even heard of these guys, this is some vintage grimy hair metal stuff. Really chilly melodies, that part around 1:40 was great. Vocalist isn’t the best, that forced vibrato is kind of lame, but whatever, I have to check this demo out. 8/10.

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon

Pretty much as good as the experimental material on this album gets, super captivating atmosphere. 8/10.

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun

Surprisingly good. 6/10.

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red

One of my favorite Atrocity songs, just awesome proggy topsy-turvy death metal from start to finish. 10/10.

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun

Main riff was cool but still repeated too many times so still boring. 4/10.

Overall, cool playlist, nice mix of stuff and nothing too offensive.
Drudkh - After an eternity of dull, something began to happen around 5:40. A slender ray of hope, a glimpse of change and awakening. But alas, it returned to dull. Dire aural boredom. That was painful. and dull 2/10

Patriarch - This ain't at all approaching great either but there's fire and decent songwriting and good drumming and a riff or 2. It kept my interest with some cool twists and instrumentation. 6.5/10

Sacred Blade - Good old metal wearing its influences firmly on its collective sleeves. Not huge on the vocals but it does the job. Cool geetar just wish they'd go more places with it. 7/10

Amorphis - This is one of those bands that had been a DM stallion back when. l could never get into them that much. Most of the riffs were there, they just lacked some oomph or something. Maybe it was the keys. l don't know. this is alright. just a bit too bouncy. 6.5/10

Lucis Absentia - could not get on YT.. Fierce, riffy, clinical. Too clinical. l like it when a band sounds like it's right on the edge of fucking up all the time. You don't get that vibe when this band plays. l like it for some cool riffs and impressive rhythms but a song or 2 in and i'm kinda tired. 6/10

Bruce Dickinson - Bruce always writes cool songs and this is pretty good, especially Roy Z ' geetar work. 7/10

Incantation - Always a distinct sound to be heard from the mighty Incantation! Love the swirling geetars and just beautiful thickness of it all. Killer riffs with demonic vocals! 8.5/10

Sacramentum - Here's some very decent blackened death from the sticks. This is a good mix of the faster BM riffage and such with a DM sensibility. Or maybe more BM foundation with a tinge of DM. Whatever, it works for me. 7/10

Anciients - Heard a lot about these guys. Awesome riffs. Their sound is nice and big and pretty raw in the axe dept. i'll definitely explore after this. Cool tune. 8/10

Rat Attack - Oh man this is pure bliss. Those vocals are the greatest thing this side of Bolivia. Awesome all-round trad, does exactly what it says by the Album cover - It's a giant Rat coming to whack you with it's Axe! 8/10

Celtic Frost - A lot of people hated Tom G ' vocals here and the album in general for its departure from the Frost of old, but l beg to differ. His moans in between verses are genius. And because l first heard CF after this release (around 88-89) it didn't bug me as it may have. Then there's his glorious riffs. This tune is far from the albums best but it's bloody good. 7.5/10

Spirit Caravan - Fantastic jam band if ever there was one. Wino and Sherman are a match made in heaven on this, just great riff after great riff with ballsy vocals. Starts slow but then it flies. 8/10

Atrocity - Original as Hell, superb techy death from zee Germans! First 2 albums are up with the best of DM imo. Then...ugghhh.
But this is fantastic, Krull sounds as possessed as he ever did here and l like the flirting with the choir girls in the chorus. Sounds like it's gonna go all skew-if any second. And that's a very good thing. 9/10

Hades - Sounds like every other BM singer out there, and same for the geetars. Come to think of it...4/10

That was a pretty cool list. A fair bit of variety.
Drudkh - Sunwheel

Inoffensive, but needlessly repetitive and cheerful. The opposite of what I want from black metal. 4/10

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon

Solid. Not particularly engaging. 6/10

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun and Moon

High on my trad metal wishlist. 8/10

Amorphis - Moon And Sun Part II North's Son

Tales From the Thousand Lakes is where I give up on Amorphis. Pretty saccharine stuff, really. 4/10

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun

Characterless modern metal complete with godawful tough guy vocals. Ultra slick soulless piss. 2/10

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun

I think this is the first time I've ever listened to Dickinson's solo stuff. Really solid stuff, consider me equally surprised and impressed. 7/10

Incantation - The Ibex Moon

One of the best tracks from what I've come to acknowledge as Incantation's peak. Utterly bleak and dismal. 9/10

Sacramentum - Moonfog

Not quite as developed as their debut full-length, but still really nice, intricate black/death metal. 7.5/10

Anciients - Raise the Sun

Reminds me of Opeth but I like it even less. The harsh vocal parts are far and away the worst, sounds completely forced and devoid of any measure of menace and actually had me cringing. Clearly not for me. 3/10

Rat Attack - Man on the Moon

I remember this coming to my attention years back but I didn't properly investigate. I'm going to get on to that, this rules hard. 8/10

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon

I'd rather he was ugh-ing and shit but whatever, undeniable riffs. 7/10

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun

Second part is better. Unlike Rat Attack, not too eager to hear more. 5.5/10

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red

Yeah, I like my comfort zone. Top tier deranged death metal. 9.5/10

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun

Probably one of the more underrated Norwegian black metal albums. I think it'd benefit greatly from a less trebly production job, but it's not a big issue. 7/10
Didnt get to participate this round, but here's my ratings, right in your ass.

Drudkh - Sunwheel

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon

Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun
fuck off

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun
despise this douche's solo work.

Incantation - The Ibex Moon

Sacramentum - Moonfog

Anciients - Raise the Sun
sorry baroque, this sucks.

Rat Attack - Man on the Moon
Cant believe someone actually picked Rat Attack. Bought this album (or demo or whatever) a while back from deathgasm when his store went under.

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon
Get drunk and blubber over Celtic Frost and it'll sound like this.

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun
This band is just fucking awful. I like some stoner stuff and this is just ehhh

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red
File this under OSDM that I never 'got' the hype

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun
It would have been obvious as fuck though.
Yeah but Dead the old chap deserves to be on a playlist as well!

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun

I think this is the first time I've ever listened to Dickinson's solo stuff. Really solid stuff, consider me equally surprised and impressed. 7/10
Check out The Chemical Wedding and you're in for a treat. Really really solid stuff.

Dickinson is funny in that he is worse on his earlier albums and gets better and better.
Drudkh - Sunwheel - 6/10
Very upbeat for what I would imagine from this band. Vocal mix sucked near the beginning but somehow got okay at the end

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon - 6/10

Vocals killed this

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon - 6.5/10

Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son - 7/10

Better than I remember, but I still prefer everything after and including Elegy

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun - 9/10
Shut the fuck up, Krow. Definite Sylosis influence (also confirmed by the band). Colton's 'tough guy' vox are not representative of him as a person. Excellent riffing and drumming.

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun - 8/10

I may prefer Bruce's solo stuff to some of his Iron Maiden records.

Incantation - The Ibex Moon - 7.5/10

Better than I remember, but I can't help but zone out with this band

Sacramentum - Moonfog - 7/10

Anciients - Raise the Sun - 5/10

Rat Attack - Man on the Moon - 5/10

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon - 6/10

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun - 7/10

Very pleasant

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red - 7/10

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun - 6.5/10