Themed Mixtape Game


Drudkh - Sunwheel - 1
riffs and vocals give me a fucking gross feeling

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon - 5
average traditional

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon - 6
slightly above average traditional

Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son - 9
the keys could have been integrated better and made less gay. still great melodeath

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun - 9
cool modern melothrash from baroque

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun - 8
good stuff

Incantation - The Ibex Moon - 9
evil and brutal

Sacramentum - Moonfog - 8
i like this kind of black metal

Anciients - Raise the Sun - 2
the fuck they trying to do here

Rat Attack - Man on the Moon - 2

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon - 2
i know this band has some good tracks but this is not one of them

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun - 2
hate stoner sludge shit

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red - 6
would have preferred just the straightforward death metal parts without the weird shit

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun - 5.5
this track is fine though i cant listen to this type of bm for extended periods cuz the depressing atmosphere soon gets on my nerves. this has a bit of energy however and is not as bad as others
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Drudkh - Sunwheel 5/10

Pretty inoffensive and also quite bland. I really only enjoy the first Drudkh album and then would just rather listen to Burzum or something.

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon 7.5/10

Well this is pretty fucking rad.

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon 7.5/10

Catchy riffs and the song isn't fucking all over the place with random riffs thrown together. This is good stuff.

Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son 6/10

A bit too poppy and upbeat for my tastes. Amorphis were clearly in their prime during their first album and EP but this is still pretty cool stuff. Just not nearly as dark and straight fucking evil.

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun 1/10

Fuck. No. Metalcore is 99% of the time absolutely fucking awful and when it's not awful it's just tolerable.

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun 7/10

Yeah, this is cool.

Incantation - The Ibex Moon 9/10

This is death metal.

Sacramentum - Moonfog 6.5/10

I've actually only heard the first Sacramentum album. This is cool but it fails to impress me as much as their full-length. Also, not sure about those triggered as fuck drums. Ew.

Anciients - Raise the Sun 5/10


Rat Attack - Man on the Moon 6/10

A Hawaiian metal band? Rad. Look at that fucking album art. That's heavy as fuck. This is so juvenile sounding that it's actually quite endearing. Not that I would listen to it again but it's better than some tracks on this list.

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon 6.5/10

Into the Pandemonium is clearly far inferior to To Mega Therion but this is competent. I'm not sure how I feel about those weird spoken vocals in the beginning but the riffs are solid, but it lacks that real heavy edge that old Celtic Frost and Hellhammer had.

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun 8.510

Wino's a fucking riff machine and a master of atmosphere.

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red 5/10

I see this name and album pop up randomly but never cared enough to listen to it. I'll probably keep doing that. One of those albums where a billion different riffs are thrown in together with different variations in them. I do like it when they get doomy, but that's not going to cut it for me.

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun 8/10

I should probably give this band more attention. The production is a bit rough on this and I'm not sure if that's the youtube quality or just the production of the album, but it works well enough. I really like those melodic lead parts. Reminds me of the early Greek black metal bands that I've grown to love.

Kind of a meh list to me. Aside from 2-3 songs I will probably never listen to any of these bands ever again.
this is gonna be super low effort sry

Drudkh - Sunwheel

my dad's favourite BM song lol. it's pretty generic and sort of single-handedly responsible for the atmospheric black metal scourge. 5/10

Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon

nice, i'll probably check this out. 8/10

Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon

probably the metal band with the most blatant captain beyond influence, totally different to anyone else around at the time. 7.5/10

Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son

they didn't get truly painfully shitty 'til 2003 or so, but there isn't a single amorphis album i would go out of my way to listen to. the first EP is a different matter. 4/10

Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun

only teens need apply. 2/10

Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun

one of the best songs from one of his weaker albums. 8/10

Incantation - The Ibex Moon

one of the best songs from their best album. 8/10

Sacramentum - Moonfog

rendered slightly redundant by the LP which approaches the same style with greater professionalism, commitment and less regard for convention, but still very nice. 7.5/10

Anciients - Raise the Sun

Rat Attack - Man on the Moon

a desolate song about being accidentally left on the moon to die, hells yeah. 10/10

Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon

everything here is pretty great except the vocals. 7/10

Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun

Atrocity - Sky Turned Red

instant chills. i'd take them over demilich, gorguts, atheist, timeghoul, you name it. 10/10

Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun

classic! actually better than i remembered. 9/10